"Put on some clothes you sick bastard." Titan didn't say anything, he just smiled and stepped aside allowing me to walk inside. Taking no time, he slammed the door shut and slithered his slimy self back towards his bed. There was a twisted look in his eyes as he clearly remembered what e had been doing before I came in. It took everything I had not to just give in to my wolf's demands.

"So, what can I do you for you today?" He snickered as he folded his arms behind his head and started to relax,  "Or should I say, what do I have to listen to you complain about today?"

"You're a sick bastard, you know that!?" I growled. He shrugged the sound off, and chuckled softly to himself.

"You tell me that every day little sister, what's changed?"

"With Faith right next door!? Are you trying to scar your niece!?" Titan was a lot of thing. Growing up with him has allowed me to see what kind of monster he really was, but what he did today showed just how sick he truly was.

"Just trying to teach her a valuable-" the sound that followed left the room in a frosty silence. My brothers face grew red as the sting in my hand began to subside. I watched as his eyes started switching back and forth between dark blue and gold; it was a struggle for him as his wolf fought for control. No Alpha liked being slapped, little sister or not, I know I crossed the line. Still, it didn't stop the words from spilling out of my mouth.

"She's a four year old little girl, Titan! What she heard, she should never have to hear! The fact that I found her huddled in a corner shivering in fear is just horrible! Next time this happens, I swear to you that I will stop it the moment it starts. I will march into your room even if your in the middle of your session, and I will rip off everything that makes you a man! Do you understand that!?!?" Titan stood from his bed and shoved me backwards.

"You dare yell at your Alpha!?" He roared as he backed me into the wall.

My voice twisted as my wolf pushed harder for her freedom, "You are no Alpha to me Titan and you know that! Stay the hell away from Faith!"

"And if I don't?" He smirked.

"Then we will see which Alpha this pack really follows." Titan's eyes turned to slits as he took my threat to heart. I could hear the soft sounds of rattling chains as our control of our emotions started to slip.

The one thing we would never admit to anyone outside our pack, was just how divided we were.

"And what if I don't let it get to that point my sweet little Cara?" The softness of his voice made my skin crawl. I practically held my breath as he grabbed a strand of my dirty blonde hair, twirling a curl between his fingers.

"You know exactly," I grabbed his wrist and pulled it away, "What will happen if you do that."

"Why don't we-" digging my nails into his shoulders, I forced his torso down and sent my knee into his stomach. The impact caused him to stagger backwards, his hands rubbing the point of contact.

"I warned you, Titan. Don't take my threat lightly. She is more then willing to come out, and if it comes to Faith, I will let her have her way." Without waiting for his response, I turned on my heel and stormed from his room into the hall way. Two hunters paused in the middle of the steps, their eyes dropping as I shoved my way past them.

On the main floor, a group of fighters stood huddled in a corner, their lips moving quickly as they did their best to keep their conversation out of the ears of their reigning Alpha. Clearing my throat, their conversation stopped and all eyes turned in my direction. There was no need to tell them what I wanted, they knew. Saying their goodbyes, three of the fighters followed closely behind into the front yard.

My shirt came off first, followed by my pants. My skin began to ripple and my bones began to snap. The process use to be excoriating, every shift making me weaker and weaker by the day. My brother Trent and sister Isadonna had been convinced that I wasn't going to make it. Hell, even I thought I wasn't going to make it. It was a miracle all on its own. Now here I was.

Lifting my snout into the sky, I let loose a heart stopping howl. Throughout the surrounding woodland, multiple howls echoed through the territory in response. Inside, I grinned like the monster that was waiting patiently beneath the surface, and then took off in a dead sprint.

What do you think happened to make Cara hate Titan so much?

Is the pack really divided, and if so do you think there will be problems later on?

Poor Faith, what do you think her fate is?

Please remember to comment and vote!

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