Chapter 16

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“It seems dead out there.” Dylan told me while I slipped up my high waisted shorts.

“Probably is.”

For some reason I was starting to get irritated. Not from Dylan, from the cramps in my stomach.

Pre-period craps suck.

“You alright?” Dylan looked at me oddly.

“No I feel kinda bad.”

“Did I do something wrong?” He held my arm softly, almost afraid to touch me.

“No, no! What you did was- amazing. Just my stomach hurts.” I shrugged.

“Are you sure?”

“Don’t get cocky; your fingers only last so long.” I smirked.

Amusement was across his face.

“Is that a challenge Evans?” His blue eyes struck with mine. Why was he so flawless?

“I don’t want to take that challenge. You’d win.” I spoke honestly.

“I always win shortcake.” He winked before going downstairs.

Wow it’s only one thirty and the party is dead.

“Found her.” Dylan pointed to a practical lifeless body. I rolled my eyes. I loved Holland but- drinking was just not for her.

“Wanna go home? I’m dying for a tee shirt.” Dylan asked.

I nodded. This outfit was cute but slightly uncomfortable. How did celebs do it?

After grabbing our stuff, Dylan and I climbed into the car.

I blew into my hands, trying to warm up.

Dylan turned the heater on full blast.

“Did you have fun?” Dylan asked.

“I guess.”

He stopped at a stop light.

“I guess?” He started tickling me.

I laughed out loudly. “Stop!”

When the light turned green, he stopped and started driving.

“You know I hate being tickled.” I huffed.

“Exactly.” He shrugged.

I narrowed my eyes. Dylan was so mean. But despite his cruelty, I loved the way the night light made his blue eyes more intreguing. Have you ever seen such a beautiful color of blue?

“So… are you staying with me tonight?”

“Yeah I guess.” I mumbled.

“What’s wrong?” he looked over at me with beautiful blue eyes that I just conviced myself I'm addicted to.

“Nothing. It’s just embarrassing Dylan.” I looked out of the window. I didn't want to talk about not living with my mom for the time being. It's pathetic. I had to run away from my problems while Dylan has no choice but to stay and face them.

“Carter I’m your best friend. I don’t blame you for leaving.” “Doesn’t change anything.” I put my head against the glass, hoping the cool solid would cure my headache. I was tired. I really didn’t want to talk about my mom either.

“Carter please talk to me.”

“Not now Dyl.” I sighed.

He didn’t say anything else.

When we got to his house, no one was home.

“Where is everyone?”

“Teens at random parties. Mom and the others probably went to a bar. Usually do.” I shrugged. It was true.

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