Chapter 12

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*Rose's p.o.v*

"I mean i don't know what to do anymore" i said to Katia who i had talked about everything almost about myself and my life. I told her about my parents, about me being left for dead, about the guys saving me and welcoming me in their house, and at last about Emily bullying and threatening me. It was lunchtime, we were sitting in the hall and although we had just met this morning i felt like we had been friends since years. I thought it was funny how with some people it just clicked.

"She's just jealous, let her be, she'll get over it eventually" Katia said while eating her cutted pieces of watermelon. I couldn't help stealing her a piece.

"Eh no touchy" she said while slapping my hand.
"Ow" i yelled. She smiled before saying "sorry" with her little puppy eyes. "Pffttt i wouldn't forgive you if it were the last thing i did" i joked.
"Oh come on, dont be a baby, take a piece of my watermelon"
"You'll have to beg me to take a piece"
We stared at each other a minute before starting to laugh crazy.
"Gosh we're so dumb"
We just sat there eating our lunches before Katia interrupted our small silence moment and said "How do you do to live with three handsome guys? Aren't you attracted by them? Aren't you afraid to fall in love with one of them?". Huh, i hadn't really thought about the idea of it all i guess. It didn't seem that bad but now that i think about it, people might find it strange a girl living almost all alone with three guys. "Well idk...i guess yeah it's true they're kinda cute but i didn't think about that really, i just see them as friends or like big brothers"

"Oh okay, well in any case you're lucky" she said with a smile.
"You wouldn't say that if only you know how long i have to wait to go in the bathroom" i laughed out.
I looked at the time on my phone. "'s time to go to our class" i told Katia. We got up and went to each other's locker one after the other then went to english class. Oh how i liked English class...joke. But eh atleast it wasn't as puzzling to the brain then math class.
English class and the rest of the day went by rather quickly and it didn't go as badly as i would had imagined, especially after Emily's talk earlier that day. At the end of the day we exchanged numbers and she facebooked me then i left school and started walking home.

Jad : Heyy, where are you?
Rose : Walking on my way home..
Jad : Well gee thanks for the wait
Rose : Sowee 😅 I just felt like taking some alone time

"Well too bad for your alone time" i heard a voice say in the background. I, phone in hand, turned around completely startled. Jad was behind me a few feets away. "WTH?!!" I yelled out.  He was laughing crazy. "Didn't expect that huh princess? That will teach you to leave without your prince"  he said with his 'i am so proud of my stunt' face.

I rolled my eyes. "You prince? Pfftt in your dreams"
"Oh come on, im not that bad" he said on the defensive.
We walked back home together, talking about tons of random things. We arrived at home, a empty home, went straight to the kitchen to gather some snacks then ran to the living room, jumping on the couch to watch Netflix.
"What do you wanna watch?" Jad asked with a twizzlers in his mouth.
With sparkling eyes i looked at Jad happily and said "pretty little liars!!!"
He narrowed his eyes at me "are you kidding me? never am i watching that show!". I pouted "Why not? What's wrong with that show?"
"Im not even gonna answer that" he laughed out.
To change subject Jad said "let's watch the walking dead"
I really like pretty little liars but i guess the walking dead isn't so bad.
"Fine" i said, still pouting. Jad looked at me and smiled " you're cute when you pout" i blushed to that comment.

After watching episode one then two i started yawning and Jad said i could lay down on the couch and lay my head on his lap. I took a pillow which i put on his lap then laid my head on it. It felt a bit weird at first to be honest. I couldn't help being shy all along as we watched episode three.

*Jad's p.o.v*

We watched the end of episode three. Rose had been rather quiet since a few minutes, way more quiet then in the past episodes where she couldn't help herself from exclaiming omg and shrieking each time something awful happened in the show. She laid her head on my lap.
"Well that was pretty intense huh" i laughed suddenly once the episode had ended. I didn't get a answer. I came closer to her, to see her face and saw that her eyes were closed, her mouth slightly opened, she breathed in and out, she seemed totally at peace like an angel. She was really cute when sleeping, she looked like a little kid.
But umh Damnit...what am i suppose to do now?! 😅 its getting pretty late i gotta go sleep...
I slowly and very carefully got up holding her head in my hands so i wouldn't wake her. I laid back her head on the couch. She seemed to be sleeping so well. I just watched her sleep for a few minutes then i decided i just couldn't leave her like this on the couch, it wasn't comfy. It was best that she slept in her own bed. I slided my arms under her and hold her body in my arms, bridal style. She sure didn't look like it but damn she was heavier then i thought 😅 
I walked up to her bedroom and laid her on her bed, making sure to put her covers over her, as i did i was inches away from her face, i felt her breathing in my neck. I turned to look at her sleeping face and saw her pure pinkish lips, i couldn't help myself but to get closer to her, slightly touching her lips with mine, i felt her breath into my mouth, her lips were warm and soft.
I backed away quickly. This didn't feel right.

AbandonedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon