Chapter 13

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*Rose's p.o.v*

First period was about to begin, i was sitting in the end of the class like i always do, it just seemed like the best place. I felt like it was a place that i could keep to myself and wouldn't be bothered too much nor noticed. That's completely a dumb way to think, isnt it? Lol
I looked around the classroom watching everyone out of curiosity and boredom. Suddenly i saw a guy come in the classroom, i had never seen him before. He had silky blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes, he looked like a supermodel in his plain blue t-shirt and jeans. He came in and went straight to the teacher to talk to him. I couldn't stop staring, suddenly they looked in my direction....aaahhh damnit!! Ive been spotted staring. The teacher pointed in my direction. My eyes widened. Eh wth is going on?!!! Why did he point at me? What did i do wrong? The guy looked at me, i looked back at him nervously. The guy then smiled and approached in my direction. He sat in the seat right next to mine and took out his books from his bag. I stared down at my desk. Gosh i was so dumb. The teacher wasn't pointing at me, the teacher was pointing at the desk next to me. He must be a new guy. I glanced discreetly at the guy and found him looking at me. He smiled, a sincere kind of smile.

" Hi " was all he said, but it was enough to get me going crazy all over in my mind. He was so handsome and cute and giggle 😊
I grinned at him "Hi" i replied back. Is it just me that has this weird habit of repeating exactly the same word as the person talking to me did. I feel like a damn perroquet at times. I mean seriously Rose, you do know that there's synonyms to the word hi, right?
He started talking again but was cut by the teacher who had just started the class. He smiled again, so did i, i dont know why i was smiling for ugh i guess his smile was just too contagious.
"We'll talk later?" He whispered at me. I nodded, smiling.

"Now before we start the class, let us all welcome Michael Ellis into our classroom" the teacher said. Great...I feel like in kindergarten, come on kids, lets give a big huge hug to our new friend 😑
Well atleast i know his name now. Michael.

The school bell finally rang and we walked out of the classroom, Michael seemed to follow me, i turned around to look at him. "What's your next class?" He asked. Damn the guy isn't shy. He doesn't even know my name yet and he's already talking to me like we were friends. Not that i mind really. He seems nice.
"Umm im in math right now, what about you?
"Damn, im not in the same class it seems, im in English right now. Sucks"
As Michael was talking and we were walking down in the hall i couldn't help myself to notice infront on my right a group of girls giggling like fan girls around Jad. He seemed like he was telling a story and the girls so passionate about what he was saying just nodded and giggled, playing all innocente. I didn't know he was that popular. I guess he must be a player with all those girls after him, i wouldnt had thought Jad was that kind of guy.
"Are you even listening to me?" Michael said, chasing me out of my thoughts. I turned to him, giving him my full attention. "Omg I'm sorry, i was just lost in my thoughts" he smiled.

*Jad's p.o.v*

I listened to Mandy talking, god these chicks were so boring, why did they have to follow me around all the time? I glanced around the hall trying to find someone i could run to as an excuse to ditch these girls. My eyes landed on Rose, she was just standing there talking to someone...talking to some guy. She just couldn't stop smiling. What were they talking about? And who the hell was that guy? I've never seen that guy around before yet I've been attending this school like since forever.
Would it look weird if i dropped by between them?
Before i could do anything, Mandy dragged me by the arm.
"Hey, wth you doing?" I asked at her, frowning.
She turned to look at me "Baby, its time to go to class" Baby? Me? 😅 Googoo gaga
Ugh these females will be the end of me, seriously.
We got to class, i walked in the rear end near Sean and Jason.
"Hey guys" i smiled at them.
They looked up from their phones, "we just saw each other's in the previous class, dude, no need to say hi again" Sean said. What a butthole. There. That's a more polite way to say it. I narrowed my eyes at him as i sat down. He chuckled before going back to look at his phone.
Rose walked in, alone. The new dude was gone. Bhahaha Yes!
God what ever is wrong with me has got to stop 😒
The school bell rang.
I waved Rose to come sit with us. She came to sit with us, smiling.
"Why so serious?" I asked Rose.
She looked at me confused "I'm not too serious? Im smiling idiot" ouch. "Im kidding, i meant the contrary of serious, you seem really happy all of a sudden, anything new that you'd like to discuss with your best friends forever?"
"You're weird" she answered back, rolling her eyes. Well i guess that's kinda true...cant deny that even if i wanted to *sigh*
But still is it just me or she didn't answer my question!!!!!! Damnit!
"She's right, you are weird" Jason laughed out "I mean remember that time you told me Sheila wanted to talk to me and so i went to see her, but while i did that you stole my lunch. I mean who the fuck does that? Its just plain weird. You had a freaking lunch already! Plus Sheila didn't even wanna talk to me, i looked like a complete retard"
I couldnt help myself from laughing crazy, tears rolled down my cheeks. He looked so damn serious. I couldn't help myself from laughing and so did Rose and Sean who joined me. I laughed so hard that i almost rolled on the floor.
"It's not freaking funny" Jason said, frowning. He said that in a napoleon dynamite tone.
We heard a loud coughing which made us turn around to the front of the class where the teacher looked at us with a severe face. "Oh im sorry, am i bothering you guys? If so then i would be more then happy to send you to the director office so i wont be a bother anymore, would that be good for you?" Well umm okay, since im not feeling i have much choices ill take option 2 which is no that wouldn't be good for me, although a little break away from this classroom is tempting.
"I'm sorry sir, it was my fault, i started the convo, we will keep quiet from now on" i said outloud.
"Well i think that's a wise option" he said before turning around and continuing on writing on the board. I couldn't help myself from sticking my tongue out at him, i glanced at Rose who laughed silently.

Hii 😊😘 have you been liking the story so far? Please let me know your comments and if you have any questions!

Now, my questions are...

1) Do you think Rose should date Jad or Michael? Or someone else?

2) Do you think Emily will take revenge or simply just let it go?

3) What do you think will happen next?

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