Chapter 9

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* Rose's p.o.v *

The school bell finally rang, relieving me from this hell we call high school. I took my books and notebooks and ran out of the classroom. I went to my locker, took my backpack and then ran out of the school without waiting up for the guys. I couldnt lose time, i had to find a job!
I walked to catch the city bus to go downtown. Once i arrived there i took out the newspaper i had in my backpack where i had seen a couple of ads offering jobs for students. One of them was at 54 smith street. I looked up the map on my phone, which i had gotten just before i started school, and walked towards smith street. Once arrived there, i kept walking till i arrived infront of 54. It was a big modern building. I looked at the ad again, they didnt say much in the ad, only that they were looking for female students and they gave this adress. I took out my resumes and walked in the bulding. There was a big staircase leading to the second floor, on both sides there was long hallways and at the entrance there was a desk with a man sitting behind it. There were men walking by, not many women...and the rare ones wore short skirts and high heals. Where the hell am i?! I walked slowly to the desk and told the man i was looking for a job and i had seen the ad in the newspaper. He didnt answer, he just smirked and pointed his finger toward the staircase.

- i have to go up to the second floor? I asked innoncently.

- yes, go to room number 1

- umm..okay...thanks? I replied back before starting to walk up the stairs, looking back and seeing the man had picked up a phone and was talking. The door of room number 1 was opened slightly. I knocked a few times but there was no answers. I opened the door and found no one. There was only a couch on the right. I entered the room and sat on the couch. This place was weird. Should i leave? What kind of job exactly are they offering here?? Lost in my thoughts, i suddenly heard a buzzing sound coming from my backpack. I took my phone out from my front pocket and saw i had receive a text message from Jad asking where i was.

Me : just downtown
Jad : doing what? You should had waited we could had went with you...
Me : no its fine, im only looking for a job im not shopping or anything
Jad : why you need a job for?
Me : god, you're dumb. Im literally rolling my eyes right now lol
Me : i need new clothes and extra money, no offense but the clothes you bought me arent really my style lol

I suddenly heard a noise in the room. I looked up and saw a tall man strumbling his way to me. He stopped and narrowed his eyes at me then said you're pretty. He smiled at me before continuing walking towards me then he literally threw himself on me. I tried pushing him off me but he was really heavy. He raised his head to look at me. I looked back at him. He smiled. Wth is his problem?! Is he drunk? What is he doing drunk at work?

- please get off me i said in a pleading tone.

He approached my face even closer and kissed my cheek, sliding down to my neck.
No, no, no this cant be happening!! Ive never done this, Ive never kissed a guy yet even and i dont know who this guy is. I started yelling, trying harder to push him off but he pushed his body hard on me, held my hands tightly with his left hand and with his right hand he cupped my clothed breast. I closed my eyes, tears started crawling down. I yelled as loud as i could. Im going to get raped....i cant believe this is happening again. Last time i was lucky to be able to escape but i dont see a way out this time...he's too strong.

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