*Alice's POV*

I heard Remi go to Daniel's bedroom light footed. It was disappointing how she didn't run, happy to go and see her mate but this was my oldest brother we are talking about; nobody is extremely happy to be seeing him, ever.

I sigh, leaving my room and walking downstairs. I wanted to pour myself a glass of wine to deal with minor stress. It's a part of my weekly routine that I enjoyed. I kept telling myself that Remi will get a dose of whatever is supposed to keep her off heat and she'll be okay.

I sit down on the sofa, sipping on the alcohol and I notice Jason in the same room.

"How long has this Joanna woman been up there?" I ask.

"A while." Jason shrugs.

"What's she been doing with Daniel so long? I wouldn't be surprised if he seduced her into his bed." I roll my eyes.

"Daniel is getting a little procedure." Answers Jason. It draws my attention because clearly he knows something my brother didn't tell me about.

"What? Getting his dick chopped off? I'm all for that idea."

Jason chuckles at my response.

"He's getting some sort of injection too. He wants to make sure he can control himself around her." He explains.

"No way..." My jaw drops. "He did that for her?"

Jason nods and I just sit there frowning with confusion, one leg over the other with my wine glass. I just can't believe Daniel would care enough to do that, I mean, he can't live without one night stands and here he is, trying to stop himself around his mate.

I was impressed to say the least.

We hear someone go down the stairs and I peek out to find it's the doctor. So it's over now. She did it.

"I'll walk you out, doctor." I call out, springing up from my seat.

"Thank you." She tries a smile and continues walking to the door with me by her side.

"Everything went well?" I ask her.

"Yes. Both of them should be fine soon." She nods at me.

"Well thank you for coming." I say and open the door for her. She mumbles a 'goodbye' and runs off. I assume she just wants to go home as soon as possible since it's already late. She's not someone I enjoyed the company of anyway.

As her car pulls out of our driveway, another pulls in. It catches my attention. It's not one I've seen before so I wait to see who the driver will be. I'm stunned as the person that gets out of the black Mercedes is no other than Lorenzo.

Or are my eyes playing tricks on me?
No... I definitely remember the short-ish black hair and leather jacket he always wore.

"Alice." He smiles at me. A smile that wasn't genuine, or pleasant to see. It was more of a smirk. I guess since Daniel had it, he had to inherit it too. It was a blood trait. Thank God it missed me out of the family tree.

"What are you doing here, brother?" I lean against the door frame, watching him come closer to me.

"Visiting my family, is that illegal?" He asks me, waiting for me to let him in and move away from the door.

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