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|| Last chapter guys, are you ready? ||

You spring down the metal halls looking for any sign of Kylo. You can't really believe that you actually did that. But now was not the time to think about that. All you knew was that you had to find Kylo. After that you had no clue what you were going to do.

You finally stopped to catch your breath. As you looked up you saw the slightest bit of black cloth snake around the corner ahead of you. You immediately launched after it. "Kylo! Kylo!" You yelled. But when you turned the corner, you were only greeted by an empty hallway. You were about to turn back until you were quickly pulled into an empty room.

There you were greeted by a familiar pale face. "Kylo!" You signed with relief. He pulled you into a tight embrace. You stayed there for a minute. With your head nestled his his chest and his head perched on top of your own.

He pulled away, holding onto your shoulders and stared at you. "You came back." He said, his voice breaking. "Of course." You replied with a small smile. He smiled back at you, something you rarely got to see.

You two stared at each other for a few minute until you broke the silence. "Kylo, they've planted detonaters. We've got to get out of here. Now." You grabbed his hand and you slowly and quietly made your way back through the halls.

Poe's POV

Poe yelled after y/n but soon realized they were gone. He shook his head and let out a sigh. Y/N really cared for that man, though he couldn't see how.

He felt a tap on his arm. He turned around a saw a younger boy. "Dameron, we've set the detonators and they're ready to go off in five minutes."

"Um, about that, we have to call it off."


"The mission. We can't detonate the place. Y/N's still in there." He said, trying to keep calm.

The boy stood there, staring wide eyed at Poe. "I-I'm sorry Dameron, but we can't do that."

"Excuse me?" He asked, trying not to yell.

"We can't do anything! There's no way we'll be able to turn them all off in five minutes!"

Poe swore under his breath and thought for a few seconds. Then he began to jog off.

"Dameron! Where are you going?!" The boy yelled to him, very confused.

Poe yelled back before turning a corner. "Get the ships ready! I'll be there in time. Don't worry!"

Your POV

"Y/N, do you know what you're doing?!" Kylo asked, panted from all the running.

"Not a clue. Just need to get outside." You responded.

Not knowing how much time you had, you tried to think and run as quickly as possible.

Finally, you found some sliding doors that led to a sandy field. You and Kylo rushed outside and looked around. There was no sign of life. You sighed with defeat. "Where is everyone?!" You yelled exasperated. You heard Kylo muttering something under his breath. "What?" You asked.

"They left." He whispered.


Kylo sighed. "I new about the Rebel's plan. I told everyone to leave. I stayed behind because I new I would be able to see you." He talked quickly, looking at his hands.

You let out your breath and took his shaking hands in your own. "Kylo you could've died."

"I know."

You began to tear up, knowing you didn't have much time left. "I love you Kylo."

He looked down at you, his brown eyes beginning to well up. "I love you too Y/N, and I'm so sorry." A small tear dripped down his cheek.

You cupped his face. "No. Kylo, it's my fault." Some tears began to spill out of your own eyes. Kylo slowly wiped them off with his thumb. "Thank you." He whispered.

He leaned in and kissed your lips. You returned the move. You put all your emotions into the kiss. It was as if you were communicating through your lips.

When you pulled away, you rested your foreheads on each other's. You heard an explosion somewhere in the distance, but neither of you moved.

As the explosions neared closer, You wrapped your arms around the man you loved. You never pulled away, even as the heat of the nearby flames surrounded you, you stayed with him.

1 Week Later

"Poe, you are amazing." Smiled Finn, embracing him in a hug from behind. Poe smiled sadly. Glancing down down at the couple. Although he burnt his whole left leg, he would not change what he did.

When Poe emerged at the Rebel Base holding the enemy, he was met with shocked and angry faces. He had done a lot of talking with General Organa to let him stay. Although he was Leia's son, she still didn't know if it was the best idea.

Kylo and Y/ N hadn't woken up yet, but Poe was told they would live. The two were layed on two beds next to each other. Poe squeezed Finn's hand, knowing he had done the right thing. He bent down and lightly brushed Y/N's hair out of her sleeping face.

Kylo and Y/N were together. And that's all that matters.

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