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||Hi! Sorry it's been awhile, I've been busy but I will do my best to update regularly. Enjoy the story!||

|| Y/N = Your Name ||

The following morning followed the same routine as the previous day. You were woken up early and led to Kylo Ren's training quarters.

This time in training, you were instructed to use your slowly growing powers of the force to move a wooden stick. easier said than done. It takes almost an hour before you can finally get the stick to noticeably move. After that it takes about 10 more tries before it finally flies into your hand.

"Good job Y/N" Kylo says before placing the stick back in front of you. You keep practicing, mostly successfully, for a few more hours.

By the time lunch rolls around, you are very tired and drenched in sweat. All you want to do is lay down and sleep for the rest of the day. Kylo  Ren, however would never let you get away with that.

You eat lunch in the cafeteria and chat with some stormtroopers that are much less intimidating without their masks. They all seem surprised when you tell them how patient Kylo has been with you in training. Apparently he has "anger issues" they inform you. You don't really believe them since he always seems so calm around you.

Shortly after, Kylo meets you back in the training room.

"Alright Y/N, for the rest of the afternoon I will be giving you a tour of Starkiller Base so you won't get lost overtime you go outside."

"Thats sounds like a good idea." You agree. It is a bit embarrassing needing someone to escort you everywhere.

After about 15 minutes of walking around the endless halls with Kylo by your side, things start to seem clearer. You make small talk for awhile. the conversations aren't awkward but you don't get too comfortable knowing he could lash out at you at any moment.

Only a few minutes later, a man in a uniform comes rushing around the corner.

"Sir, the prisoner with vital information has escaped." He stutters, seemingly terrified.

"WHAT?!" Kylo shouts, pulling out his lightsaber.

"I'm sorry sir, we're trying to locate him. H - he seemed to have help from rebel alliances."

At this Kylo activates his lightsaber and seems about ready to kill the poor soldier. He then remembers you standing behind him and points to the soldier.

"Come with me." He says to the man. "And you" He turns to you, "stay right here."

He then proceeds to angrily march down the hall with the petrified soldier following him. You want to find out about this escaped prisoner so you follow them silently making sure to hide when they look your way.

You watch behind a door as Kylo Ren leads the man into an empty room with a control panel. Kylo steps closer to the soldier and mutters something in his face. Before the soldier can even open his mouth again, Kylo slashes the soldiers head straight off his body. You watch in horror as he continues swinging and cutting the lifeless body. Suddenly your vision becomes blurry and all you can see is black.

Your vision clears and you find yourself standing in a sandy terrain lit only by the starts and the moon. Suddenly another objects lights up but this one is red. You recognize it as Kylo Ren's lightsaber that you had only seen minutes before, but now it's facing a group of terrified men, woman, and children. You can make out one of the woman begging him not to kill her children. Kylo wouldn't do this to innocent people. Would he? You watch in terror as he swiftly brings his lightsaber down on the families.

You open your eyes and see the familiar steel walls surrounding you. You feel a tear dripping down your face. You can't believe what you just saw. Starting to become dizzy, you try to stand up. All you know is that you need to get away from Kylo Ren. You run as fast as you can, not knowing where your going. Through the endless stairways and corridors until you have to stop to catch your breath. You hunch over, sobbing until you feel a hand on your shoulder. You look up startled, to see a unfamiliar pale face staring down at you.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" He asks you. Seeming genuinely worried.

"No I - I'm fine. Just a little stressed I guess."

"Oh, alright. It's getting pretty late, do you need help getting back to your room?"

You realize that you  have no idea where you are. Thank goodness for this man. "Ya, thanks. I'm actually pretty lost."

"Great. I'm General Hux by the way." He tells you. Oh of course, you've heard his name before.

"I'm Y/N."

You make your way down the many empty hallways chatting with Hux the whole way. When you turn the corner to your room, you see Kylo standing in front of your door.

"Oh, Um Ren, Y/N was lost so I decided to show them back to their room."  Hux says coldly.

"I can see that. Thank you Hux. Goodbye." Kylo says with a hint of something in his voice, maybe jealousy? Hux nods, swiftly turns, and walks away, his souls of his black shoes clicking against the tiled floor.

"Y/N." Kylo tilts your chin up to look at him with his pale hand. "I know you followed me."

"I know kylo, I'm so sorry I'll never do that again." You respond afraid of what he might do to you.

"And," He continues. "I'm sorry you had to see that. I've just been having a hard time trying to figure out the whereabouts of someone."

You're surprised by his answer. "That's okay. See you tomorrow for training?"

"Yes. Six am sharp."

You turn to close the door when you are stopped by a hand on your own.

"Oh and Y/N, one more thing." And before you can do anything Kylo's soft lips are pressed agains yours. You are caught by surprise, and before you can do move, the kiss is over.

"Goodnight." Kylo whispers and walks away leaving you standing alone in confusion.

"Goodnight." You whisper to the empty hall.

With so many thoughts flooding your head, you find it hard to sleep that night.

||Wow so there we go! How'd you like it? I wanted to let you know that school starts in a couple of weeks (kill me now) so I'll try to get a few chapters up incase I'm busy. Question: Does anyone ship stormpilot? Because that ship is my ish||

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