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Splash woke up. All of the other pups were awake except Reef. Reef was a lazy little pup, always the last to wake up, the one who lay down while the others played, the one who made Cockle pass over his food for him instead of getting it himself. "Mum!" Called Splash. Tide came out of her chamber in the cavern and entered the one Splash was in. "When do we get our own chambers?" Splash asked. "Today." Said her mother. "Come pups, time to see your new chambers. Leave Reef alone. Let him sleep. This is his own." She left the chamber and all the pups except Reef followed her. They followed her to the next chamber. "Marine, this is yours. Get used to it, get your stuff, have fun." Said Tide. Marine entered it and looked around. She started jumping around the chamber panting with joy.

Tide led the pups to the next chamber. It was bigger and more messy. "Kraken, this is yours and get your stuff ready." The next chamber was Lagoon's chamber. It was a pretty and tidy chamber, about the same size as Kraken's. It had a skinnier and less dusty rock shelf than the rest. The next was Barracuda's chamber. Soon it came to Splash's chamber. It was the last one and the biggest one.

"Thanks mum." She said. Tide grinned and left. Splash looked around the chamber and walked around. It had the longest and the least dustiest shelf of all of the chambers. She had the best chamber. She left the chamber and got her stuff. She took all her stuff back to her chamber. She placed all her pretty shells, rocks, and other stuff on the shelf and ordered them up. She put all the stuff she liked to have while she slept on the neat pile of sandstone covered in sand.

Splash played with her siblings in the tiny pool outside. Tide played with them too. Reef waddled outside and stretched. He had a fish bone sticking out of his mouth, so he probably sneaked another fish out of the storage chamber and ate it. His tummy was round and big. He leaped into the pool too and started splashing around. Tide picked him up and put him back on land. "You can't swim yet." She said. "Dont come in right now." Reef sat down and sulked. "I'll teach you later." Tide said. "I can swim!" Reef shouted. "Not yet little one, but you will be able to later." Said Tide. Reef stormed off behind a rock on the sand. Tide shrugged and turned back to play.

When Splash came out of the cavern, Blue was wandering around calling Reef. Splash went back inside. After an hour, Blue came in gasping for breath. "Tide!" He called. Tide came rushing out of her chamber. "What is it?" She asked. "Reef's gone!" He breathed. "I've spent the whole time looking for him. So has the rest of the pod. We've looked everywhere, literally!" Tide froze. "Check the bay." She said. Blue ran away and dived into the ocean.

Reef was standing in the water. He wanted to prove he could swim. Blue was approaching the beach. Reef dived into the deeper water and started flailing his paws around as fast as he could. He was kicking with his back legs as hard as he could. But he was sinking deeper and deeper into the ocean. They don't care about me anyway. Reef thought. He was scared though. He was drowning. He kicked harder and harder. He scooped the water with his paws away from his face. He bobbed back up to the surface. Blue was in the water now. He looked around and saw Reef. Reef tried swimming away but was drowning again. Blue was swimming fast towards him. But the water was murky and no one would be able to see him. He started to get the hang of swimming and soon he could swim out of water. He swam away from the island and out to the horizon instead of the breeding island beach.

Rip was busy with Seaweed at the moment. Riptide was swimming around the water waiting for Deep to come out and play with her. Meanwhile, she was thinking about what has happened to Rip when she was a pup. She thought her mum and dad just loved her just like Rip and Fang loved Riptide. Each night, Rip came in Riptide's own chamber and told her how special she was. I'm just an ordinary SeaWolf pup. What makes me more special than the others? Riptide thought. At that very moment, she caught a glimpse of a small head of a SeaWolf.

"Hello?" Called Riptide. "Who are you?" The SeaWolf was a pup around her age. It didn't answer. It either didn't hear her or ignored her. Riptide swam towards the SeaWolf. He just swam on, very slowly and very badly. "Hi." Said Riptide. The SeaWolf slowly turned around. "Uh, hi." He said. "Who are you?" "I'm Riptide. Who are you?" "Reef." He turned around slowly and swam on. "Where do you come from? Who's your parents? Where are they?" Asked Riptide. Reef stopped swimming. "I'm from the tiny island across the bay with the breeding grounds beach. My parents are named Blue and Tide. They are at home. Why do you care?" Reef said. "Because you look lost. You shouldn't be alone or this far away from your family. Why don't you stay with me and my family? They won't mind." Riptide said. "Brrr, fine." Said Reef.

Reef stayed the night with Riptide's family. It turned out that Rip was his aunt and he was Riptide's cousin. No wonder they were all so familiar. He didn't care. The next morning, he sneaked out of the cavern and waded into the water. He started swimming away. "Where are you going?" Asked a voice from the beach. It was Riptide. "Somewhere. I don't know where." Reef said. "Why?" "To prove my mum and dad I can swim really well." Riptide dived into the water and swam up to him. "Well, come back. You shouldn't. Not alone anyway." She said. "Your not coming with me." Reef said. "Oh yes I am!" She said. "If you're going, at least let me come with you. You won't last a day alone." Riptide said. Reef rolled his eyes. "Fine. You can come, but don't tell me to go back." He said finally. Riptide smiled. They swam off, towards the horizon. Two silly, ungrateful pups swimming away from their families, unknowing of their fate.

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