Chapter 11

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Xavier watched as the pastor talked about life and death and he held on to Anabelle's hand, as Alexander held his moms hand and Alexandria held his hand. He held tightly on to them and cried with Anabelle, his mom had died when he was a kid and his dad was a horrible man that the only good he did was hand the business down when he turned 18 he met Anabelle and her mom and from the moment they meet Alejandra had been his mom in all the senses of the word even when him and Anabelle were not on good terms she made sure he was good and checked up on him.

She was the closest thing he had to a mother in the past 10 years of his life and he felt a horrible pain in his heart. Thanks to her Anabelle and him had fixed everything.

"What happened to my daughter!" Alejandra ran to Xavier tears streaming down her face but she looked calm and collected as usual.

"She wanted to talk to me and I did not see her! I hit her with my car mama Alex" Xavier sobbed into his hands.

"OH God! Is she alive!" Alejandra asked calmly.

"She is in surgery... I am so sorry!"

Zack was pissed but more than pissed he was heartbroken in the corner he had blood on his clothes but not as much as Xavier.

"Hey she will be fine Xavier she knows you and those kids need her."

"How can you still be nice to me?" Xavier asked her shocked.

"I know how much you love my daughter and if that means that you both do stupid stuff sometimes and make mistakes that is your problem but I know how you feel about her... more importantly I know why you left."

Xavier looked up surprised "How!"

"Your aunt Elizabeth told me... I didn't tell her because it was not my secret to tell. What is important is that I saw that you were willing to be miserable so that my daughter would be happy and that speaks to me You sacrificed everything in the name of love son and for that I will always love you. It proves to me that you love her more than you love yourself..." She smiled. "She will be fine, she and the twins will pull thru you will see and I will make sure this gets fixed." She winked and he watched her walk down to the chapel and walk in.

They were lowering the casket as he felt Anabelle slip away. "Mommy no! please mommy don't leave me!" she leaned on the casket and they had to stop it. "She can't leave me Xavier please! Mommy!"

He watched as Zack took the twins nodded his head at him and Xavier walked up and wrapped his arms around her and she leaned back against him.

"My mommy Xavier!"

"Hey I know, it's going to be ok baby we have to send her off with love and we will see her again baby I promise". She turned and sobbed into his arms he nodded his head they sat on the floor Anabelle in his lap and arms the watched as the casket was lowered and covered in dirt as they all cried.

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