Chapter 7

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Sunday morning

Annabelle was exhausted, she was six months pregnant with twins and she couldn't sleep because she half hated and half missed Xavier and it was exhausting. She was walking down the stairs stopping by first by the tree that she was almost done decorating just a few decorations in the bottom left. She would finish after her mom left later she smiled a little, she loved Christmas the cold and the spirit going around and she fought the urge to think that Xavier would be gone this year. She walked into the kitchen to have breakfast and as she sat she picked up the morning paper and all over again she felt her heart drop and she ran to the restroom to throw up. She leaned back on the wall and started at the picture of Xavier kissing some girl on the front cover of the paper. He could have at least waited until the divorce was finalized so she did not look stupid.

She went back to bed and just cried her eyes out and she eventually fell asleep she woke up hours later to Amanda shaking her.

"Miss Annabelle, get ready and dressed... Mrs. Alejandra is about to be here in a few minutes to drop of the toys and the dogs that we will be babysitting."

"Thank you Amanda..."

Annabelle showered and walked into her closet and pulled out on of her casual dresses that were empire waist it made her stomach look round and beautiful. The dress was mint green; Xavier's favorite color she couldn't help but remember with a black trim in the bottom of her breast. She slipped on some black flats and made her way down the stairs and talked a while with her mom and then her mom left for her trip to Australia.

Xavier walked into the house and saw Annabelle sitting on the floor by the Christmas tree she was putting ornaments and playing with her mom's dogs. She had her back to him but she looked beautiful she was looking at an ornament that he had given her the year he met because he was her secret Santa in there in English class. It was made of crystal but was durable she was spinning in her hand and it fell in her lap then on the floor and rolled towards him. She put her hands on the couch and used the couch as she stood to pick it up.

Xavier pent down and picked it up and before he looked up he heard Annabelle's breath catch.


He smiled and stood looking at her and his smile fell from his face as he took in Annabelle. Don't get him wrong to him she looked incredible but how was she pregnant and that pregnant.

"The divorce papers are on the table by the door in the top drawer and I haven't packed your clothes because I don't know if you will be taking everything or just some stuff and selling I don't know but Amanda and Isabel can help you pack everything up."

"Annabelle what..." Xavier got close to her stomach but she pulled away before he could touch her. He looked at her and she saw the hurt in his eyes and a huge part of her wanted to comfort him but she was proud and hurt. "You are pregnant?"

"No I am not I am just fat!" she said and she was shocked to hear how much acid was in her voice. She knew she was sad, angry and hurt but until this moment she had not realized how much.


"Yes Xavier I am pregnant.... I am having twins... I am a mom." Annabelle could feel her voice shaking she felt a few tears slipped out as she blinked...and she placed her hands on her stomach to comfort herself. "I finally got my wish... I am going to be a mom." He could hear the love in her words when she spoke of her child.

"Annabelle were going to be..."

"No!" he heard the finality in her voice. "I am a mom you have nothing here! You have nothing to do with this and I don't ever want to see you again..." She ran out of the room and ran up the stairs to her room.

            A few minutes later Xavier walked in and he was crying his eyes out. "You cheated on me?" his whole body was shaking and he was hiccupping. "How could you do this to me I thought you loved me!"

             She sat up and looked at Xavier with the angriest face she could manage. "You left me! You abandoned me! You cheated on me! You broke me!" the tears were slipping down her cheek with no stop in sight.

            "You don't know why I did it..." he looked at her stomach and felt panic course thru him "you need to calm down!"

            "Xavier there is no excuse good enough, for you to cheat on me and leave me!"

            "Can I explain?"

            "No I want you to leave me alone!"

            "Please Annabelle let me explain!"

            She stood "get out!" she pointed to the door.

            "No Annabelle we need to talk!"

            "Fine then I will go!" she ran out the door and went to the stairs and as she was running down her ankle popped and she started falling.

            Before she could even fall a step Xavier caught her and pulled her to him. "Are you ok?"

            "No let me go!" she tried pushing him off but he would not let her go and she sobbed after a few second she pushed off of him again and held on to the railing.

            "Ok come here baby." He picked up Annabelle in his arms and carried her back to the room and laid her on the bed. Walked out and told Amanda to have a doctor called and brought over and then went back to bed with her. "Annabelle now that you cannot move I will explain."

            She sat up. "I can't Xavier... I can't do this... please get out... I shouldn't be like this it's bad for them. Get out please... please!"

He could see her sobbing and decided she needed to calm down or it would affect the babies. No matter who was the father they were her dream. He stood and walked out of the room and slid down their door. Sitting on the floor there Xavier cried like he only had once before on the day his mom died. He cried and cried and just let out all the pain and frustration he felt. He was such an idiot everything he had done in the last five months had been mistake after mistake.

Annabelle could hear him crying and her heart was breaking she wanted to hug and hold him and she realized that if she stayed there she would forgive him. She couldn't because he cheated on her after everything he had a woman in there bed over there and that was unforgivable. She pulled out her phone and called the one person she had realized would always be there for her.

"Hello? Annabelle are you okay?" Zach was asleep but the moment he saw her picture pop up he was full alert he knew that Xavier had arrived today because he saw it on a blog 'a rare billionaire sighting but where is the wife?'

"if I stay here I will forgive him... I need you to come get me without anyone finding out."

"Get ready I'll be there in twenty minutes."

Annabelle opened her door and saw Xavier asleep on the floor he looked like a kid but he didn't look peaceful. "I love you..." She turned back to the room and walked out with her duffel bag on her back. She ran out and Zack helped her into his car as he took her far away and left her in his beach house and came back so one would think he knew where she was.

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