Chapter 3

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 Xavier was looking out the office in London he was supposed to be listening to his uncle Sebastian talk about a merger they were working on but all he could think about was how much pain Annabelle voice had been in when she heard Elizabeth talk. He had tried calling her back over and over again and he could not stop thinking about her, his heart hurt. He refused to go home and explain because part of him thought this was for the better because this way she would get over him faster. The only thing was that he did not want this he loved her and he had been looking into adoption but she might not want to be with after hearing Elizabeth talking and him asking for a divorce.

"Xavier I like wearing dresses that are pink with crowns."

He turned to his uncle and smiled. "I am sorry uncle I am very distracted... what were you saying?"

Sebastian waved his hand to his nephew and turned grabbed a drink for the both of them and sat down on the couch with him. "You have been distracted since you got here... and you have not been on the phone with Annabelle the whole time instead of working like usual. I was going to ask but did not want to be nosy. What is going on kiddo?"

Xavier felt the tears threaten to escape and as they started running down his face he looked at his uncle with an utterly broken, lost face. "I asked Annabelle for a divorce...only that was the biggest mistake I have ever made and I miss her uncle so much... I want her back but I can't have her back." He wiped the tears and put his chin on his hands.

His uncle looked puzzled. 'But why Xavier... why would you do that? I know how much you love that girl and..."

"We have been trying to start our family... and I went to the doctor to get tested just to make sure there was nothing wrong with me. She has always wanted kids they have always been her dream."

Sebastian put his hand on his nephew's knee. "What did the results say?"

"The point is... it will be near impossible to have kids with me."

"Son why did you just not tell her?"

"Uncle she loves me... enough to throw away her dream of being a mom. I can't take that away from her because it's what she has always wanted I promised to help her with her dreams not stand in the way and that is why I sent her the divorce papers."

"Son just because a child does not have your blood it does not make him any less yours... look at you son you are my son even if I'm not your actual father... the option of adoption is always there. Look let's hurry up and finish this merger so you can get home and save your marriage... you both deserve that much... and she deserves to know the truth and to make that choice for herself. Don't choose her life without her because one day that may destroy her and you. A sacrifice even in the name of love could be the biggest mistake you make sometimes...When you love someone you fight and give everything you have. You don't give up no matter what. Salvage your marriage son because I can assure you without her you will be miserable your whole life."

Annabelle walked into her bedroom putting her hand on her stomach. She walked into her closet and changed as she looked at Xavier's clothes her hand went back to her stomach.

"Your daddy doesn't know about you... but I think he would be happy if he knew." Annabelle walked over to her wedding picture and wiped the tears off her face. "Very happy baby..." she started at the picture of her. She had on a dress that was made especially for her, she had based of the dress Cinderella got married in, in a twist in time the only difference was it did not have the sleeves. Her bouquet was made of roses. Roses especially designed for her, they were artificial but they looked more real than real roses. Xavier was wearing an all-white tux with a red rose as well. They both looked so happy big smiles and so much love in their eyes... the world at their feet and the future in the horizon.

"Congratulations Mrs. Lucero." Xavier walked over and pulled Annabelle to his chest. "How is your first night of married?"

"I think it is going amazing husband." Annabelle leaned back and kissed Xavier on the cheek. "I love..."

"You to." Xavier laughed kissing her neck.

Annabelle felt the snowfall around them and Xavier took off his tux blazer and placed it around Annabelle.

"Anna answer me something truthfully."

"Ok..." Annabelle looked over at Xavier's eyes shining.

"Are you scared for tonight?" he looked at her a bit of nervousness in his eyes.

Annabelle smiled at Xavier and leaned back against him. "I love you but yeah I am a little scared."

"Don't be I will be gentle and we will proceed as you are ready. I promise I won't do anything you are scared off or if you are uncomfortable."

"Thank you for being patient... I know you weren't a virgin when we met but when you saw what it meant for me to be a virgin until I got married and you waited... I will always be grateful for that." Annabelle smiled at Xavier "snow is so romantic."

"Really Annabelle... you are so cheesy... but that is one of the many reason I am in love with you... so kiss me in the very romantic snow." He pulled her chin towards him and kissed her as the snow feel around them.

She smiled as he walked her back into their reception and the dancing continued surrounded by the people she loved most in the world.

A Sacrifice in the Name of LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant