Chapter 9

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Xavier was standing in the entrance of the room holding a hammer his breathing was shallow but he had decided to move on. He walked in and was looking around to see where to start when Amanda walked in and looked at him shocked.

"What are you doing Xavier?"

"Getting rid of everything!" he looked around his vision getting blurry.

"Why son... when you two talk she will understand the situation and come home to you."

"Amanda she is having some other guys kid! Why would I want to be with her!"

"Xavier shut up! You know more than anyone how much that girl loves you... how could you even think she would do that to you. Son she had been pregnant since you left... Xavier those babies are your babies and no one else's." She placed his hand one his shoulder "fight for them son.... Do not let your happiness slip away."

He walked to the closet floor and picked up the onesies that he had held on to before and cried looking around for inspiration and felt like an idiot when it hit him. He knew exactly where she was and he was going to go get her.

Anabelle was laying on a reclining pool chair in Zackary's house and it brought back so many memories of times she spent with Xavier here. She had cried her eyes out and just needed to be outside for a little while. She cried and just kept hearing his voice in her head talking to that Elizabeth girl and it made he cry all over again. She didn't know why but that name sounded very familiar and she wanted to put a face to the name but she couldn't handle it anymore.

Zack had been so sweet since the moment she got here offering here everything and even cooking and cleaning after her. He had been her rock for the last few months and she didn't know what she would have done if she hadn't had him. The problem was that all sweetness and niceness did was remind her how much she missed Xavier because even though she loved Zack like family he did not hold anything to the love of her life.

She stood and walked into the kitchen, she was wearing a full length dress that had roses all over it. She looked at her stomach in one of the mirrors and smiled it didn't matter to her everything that happened she was going to be a mother and nothing could ruin that. This had been her dream since she could remember to be married and have a huge family since her family had always just been her and her mom.

Zack walked up to Anabelle and pulled her into a hug he realized it was now or never, Xavier walked in and went thru the house as he walked into the kitchen he saw Zack pull away from Anabelle and kiss her. He took a deep breath to keep himself calm and was about to turn away when he heard her slap him.

"No Zackary! Not you I need you to much for you to do this! I am married! He may not love or care about me but I am in love with him and you know that Zackary!"

"I love you Anabelle I always have... what do I have to do to show you that he is wrong for you... look at everything he has done to you!" Zack felt horrible and his cheek stung but he needed her to understand that he would never love her like he did and he was just hurt her over and over again. He looked behind him and saw Xavier with his back turned and as wrong as it was he got an idea. "Plus you know the truth about the kids as much as I do!"

"What?" she looked at him confused, shocked and then realization hit her and she spun around looked behind her. She saw Xavier's back retreating down the hall. "You are a jerk Zack and I don't want to talk to you ever again." He felt a little pain at the name he called her since she had always called him Zackary since they had met.

She ran after Xavier as she ran out as he was getting into his car. "Xavier please!"

"No Anabelle! I wanted a divorce because when we didn't have luck with the babies..." he looked down at his hand and played with his ring. "I had some test done on myself and they told me that it was near impossible for me to have kids and from the moment that we met you have wanted to become a mom and I could not take that away from you no matter how much it hurt me."

Annabelle was looking down and then turned to him. "I'm sorry but I understand that and I guess I forgive you for the asking me for the divorce but I cannot forgive you for what followed. You slept with other women had them in our home over there, in my bed and..."

"No Annabelle! That was you! Elizabeth is my aunt the one you haven't met my uncle Sebastian wife and my dad's little sister."

"I am not stupid!"

"Think what you want I have no reason to lie unlike you! You are having another man's kids!" he got in his car he felt his heart hurting and just could not handle this anymore.

Anabelle realized why that name sounded familiar and ran up to the car as Xavier broken hearted started the car and didn't look up before speeding away doing the U-turn and heading back down the driveway to the exit.

His car didn't make it far because in front of his car was Anabelle trying to reach him. He looked up as he heard the thud and slammed on the break. He jumped out of the car his heart beating uncontrollably and ran straight to Anabelle.

"No! Anabelle hey!" he shook her softly as she looked around crying trying to grab her stomach her face contorted in pain.

"I..." her breaths were short and Xavier could see that he was losing her.

"Anabelle I love you! Please I don't care if there Zack's kids... I am in love with you and I love them from the moment I knew you were pregnant I love them please Anabelle!"

She couldn't breathe right anymore she felt like she was drowning and she knew this was it but it was okay because it would not hurt so much anymore. She tried to take a deep breath and placed her hand on his cheek. "They are... yours... I have never... been with ano...ther man... you know that." She smiled and leaned back in his arms. "I only love you!" she smiled as the darkness took her over and she could bearly make out Xavier screaming for her.

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