Chapter 39: Blown

Start from the beginning

"When I said surprise us, I didn't mean get the whole menu,"

"There was so much choice, I wanted to get a bit of everything" he answered,

"Well that's what you did,"

"Dig in" He grinned, as he pressed play and then jumped into breakfast, figuratively not literally.

"I think that's the most breakfast I've ever seen you eat," Tayte and Noah said,

"Well, I thought why not. I am very full now though. Food coma," I said and they laughed.

"We'll go for a walk later to burn those calories off soon won't we?"

"Later on we will," I replied, "Right now, I'm not moving,"

"Sounds like a plan to me," Tayte agreed.

"Promise me we'll go and explore the hotel after chill time" Noah said, Tayte looked at me,

"Promise" I answered, he beamed.

We were chilling out watching TV, Noah was playing on his phone and Tayte was busy playing with my hair.

I heard the screams.



The sirens blaring.

Thudding footsteps.

Wailing Alarms.

"What's going on?" Noah asked, as I sat up from lying on Tayte. There was then a torrid of bangs on the door, then a voice came before I could answer,

"YOU NEED TO GET OUT," was shouted. I opened the door, Tayte and Noah were behind me, "There's a bomb in the hotel and they are evacuating, it's mad, crazy down there, just...get out as soon as you can" he said in broken out of breath English and dashed off before I could ask anything.

"Put important stuff into one bag, 2 minutes and we are out of here," I said, "NOW", I shouted as they both stood there. I got straight on the phone to Dad, but it just kept ringing and Mum's just went straight to voicemail, "For Christ sake," I mumbled. I took the bag from Tayte and slung it over my shoulder and then ushered them out of the door, Noah ran straight to the lift, "No kiddo, we have to take the stairs,"

The alarm was deafening, there were so many people hurrying around the stairs, flying through doors crying and in panic.

"Keane..." Tayte began,

"Let's just get out of here," I replied. We got to the ground floor,

"KEANE. YOU ARE GOING TO DIE," A voice shouted,

"MOVE" I screamed, we then heard laughing,

"It's too late Keane...GOODBYE,"

"BOMB," A terrified voice shrieked. "BOMB," I shoved Tayte and Noah under the large grand stair case as the explosion tore around and everything went black.

I came to, I couldn't tell how long after I was knocked out, my ears were ringing, my vision was blurry, head thudding and thick.

"Keane...KEANE," Tayte's terrified voice came into my hearing, my eyes met his, I blinked hard,

"Are you...are you okay? Is Noah okay?" I asked,

"We're both fine...we need to get out of here," He said, pulling me up, a pain shot through my skull and a wave of nausea rushed over me, "Babe..."

"I'm good," I then felt a hand in mine, Noah's, his face was etched with worry and horror. I squeezed it as amongst the shrieks, shouts, sirens and bodies, we got out of the hotel. We didn't stop until we were away from the perimeter down a small alley. I took Tayte's face in my hands, scanning every inch,

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