Chapter 7

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[Status: unedited]

Warning: Didn't foolproof the chapter yet. Nevertheless, hope you enjoy. (:

Oh, and important author's note at the end! Please read!

" (Y/N).. "
You snap out of your trance.
" Umm.. yeah? "
He smiles at your spontaneousness.
"You kinda zoned out or something. "

You just nod your head in understanding. You two were looking each other directly in the eyes, his dark orbs meeting your (E/C) ones.

Damn, he has such pretty eyes.

You try to turn around, when you feel warm touch on your face. Atticus gently put his hand on your cheek, caressing it with his fingers and turned your head around to face him again.

Ugh, what now?

" Listen, (Y/N).. "

He stopped. What's going on..?
He tries to continue: " Umm, what I want to say is... "

Silence again.

You thought he was gonna confess to you right now, but his words held so much uncertaincy. It seemed like he couldn't even think of what to say. Out of all people, you wouldn't expect him to be the one hesitate. As a matter of fact, he was always the one to speak his mind, no matter the case.

This can only mean one thing.

"No, you listen Atticus " , you start. " I've had so much fun with you during these couple of weeks. But, this date, it made me realise something.. It made me realise that I see you as nothing more than a friend. I wouldn't have said anything, but I know that you feel the same way. You proved it me now. "

You pull his bigger form to your smaller one, embracing him into a long hug. It made him smile. He was relieved; he didn't have to worry about the relationship and feelings between the two of you anymore.

" I couldn't have said it better myself. I was worried that I'm gonna break your heart. Glad that things turned out this way. "
" Yeah, same actually. "
" Casual flirting still allowed? " , he smirks raising an eyebrow.

You smack him lightly on the face, pushing him a little.

" You bet it is. "

~~ With the gang

Alexis is sitting by a picnic table. Syrus and Bastion are sitting with her, while Jaden is jumping around in excitement, telling them about his new cards and combos. His brown, short hair was bouncing up and down in sync with his body; a smile plastered across his features and the way his eyes sparkle showing the passion he had for the game they've all chosen to dedicate their lives to.

' He's so cute when he puts all of himself into something ', the female thinks to herself, sighing and gazing dreamingly. If only he knew her feelings, if only he wasn't so oblivious..

Chazz walks up to them. He pulls out a free chair, and as its legs scratched against the floor surface it caused loud screeching sounds to break out. Gaining everyone's attention, he sits down.

" Yeah, what was that about? " , Bastion questions the black haired male that has just joined them.
" Well, my presence can't be ignored or shrugged off as it's nothing special, you know. "

The group cringed at his statement, but just nodded. Everyone knew not to get bothered with Chazz; he was quite a stubborn one.

" Umm.. say where are (Y/N), Zane and your brother..? " , he asks, turning to face the girl who has been roused from her pleasant trance. Or daydream. Whatever you want to call it.

" For real? Where is (Y/N)? I haven't seen her all day and she usually at least comes to see me. " , Jaden pouts, making his famous trying- so-hard-to-think expression. He places a hand under his chin, as he sinks deep into his own mind.

It took Alexis a bit to collect herself, and to actually acknowledge the question she was given.
" (Y/N) and Atticus went out on a date ", Alexis exclaims continuing, " and as for Zane, I have no idea. "

As soon as he heard those words, Chazz's face formed a frown. He didn't want anyone near you, other than himself of course. Especially not a certain brown haired heartthrob. He had already noticed how close the two of you grew, and he indeed didn't like it.

" Damn, that bastard got to her before me. " , he mutters slightly underneath his breath.

" What did you say Chazz? " , both Sy and Bastion ask in unison.
The ravenette sighs in relief, knowing that no one heard him, before responding with a simple ' Nothing. '

He knew he needed to act quickly, or he could loose you before he even got the chance to get to you.

They were all either way too deep into the conversation, or their own thoughts to notice a couple approaching them. (Author-chan:
"couple" as in two people, not lovers lol)

" I overheard you guys saying my name, I suppose you were not gossiping about me behind my back, riiightt? " , you put on a sheepish smile you were famous for as their attention switches to you.

Everyone was glaring at you and the male beside, and it made you slightly uncomfortable.

Why are they all.. acting strange?

You wanted to sit down, but Alexis stands up and grabs you by hand, pulling you away from the group and leaving you a little shocked.

What even?

" Girl, what happened? Spill it all out. ", your friend requests, no scratch that - demands, eager to hear how it went. The date and all . Her eyes shinned in the half dark, which is not really usual for her. She rarely shows this side of her personality, maybe sometimes around Jaden but that's it.

" Nothing happened. " , you reply.

If she wasn't, well Alexis that she is, you would've sworn she would sweat drop at your comeback.
Still confused as to what you've just said, she only mutters a ' Wait, what? '

You chuckle at her actions. This is somewhat amusing.

" Well I guess I should start explaining. "

~~ At the table

The guys were now all seated. It was awkwardly silent, due to the fact that no one really knew what to say or wanted to go first.

Chazz decides he's had enough of it, so he speaks up.
" Umm soo, are you two guys dating or what? "

His eyes were almost piercing right through him, and if they had the ability to kill, there's no doubt Atticus would've been dead by now.

The tension in the air became thick. It was getting harder and harder to breathe, well at least that's what Chazz felt like. His heart starting pounding violently in his chest, as if it is going to burst out any moment.

But why did he feel like this? Did he really care that much? Sure, he liked her.. but why did this matter to him so freaking much?

Could it be... love?

" Nahh. "

I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING LAST WEEK! And sorry for a short chapter and if it sucks. I honestly just wanted to finally write sth and get it done with. I'm going through a major writers' block right now so I don't know if I'm gonna be able to upload next week. It's so frustrating, but I guess I'll just work it out somehow.. Until then, goodbye my lovely readers! ~~

Hope ^o^

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