Chapter 5

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[Status: edited]

{Zane's POV}

"And there's no need for you to introduce yourself, I already knew who you are.." , she says to me as she points her arm to a table a few metres away.

My gaze shifts off to the place she was indicating. There I saw Jaden sitting alongside my brother, both of them waving at me. I smiled, and my eyes focus back on (Y/N).

She seems really nice. Just thinking about what could've happened to her..

" Maybe we'll have some classes together later during the day.. I guess I'll see you around! " , she smiles.

With that being said I bid her a goodbye.

'She has such a nice smile.' , I think to myself while walking away.


Zane exits the room. You watch his lean figure disappear out of your sight reach. You return to the table, only to find a note waiting for you instead of the two boys.

Sorry for leaving you like this, but we gotta go. We promised professor Banner to help with some business and we can't leave him waiting.

Sy and Jay

Those guys.

You chuckle a little bit thinking about them. They sure are going to make your stay here a lot more interesting.

You go back to class, however you see no one familiar. You almost felt disappointed, in a way.

Sighing loudly, you walk to the closest available seat, which happened to be by the window.

I am here to learn though, and I shouldn't forget that. Might as well concentrate 100 percent just on the lesson alone.


The class was long over and you are in your room.

What to do now?

It was silent. The atmosphere in the room was nice, yet you didn't like it much at the moment. Probably because you were bored to death.

Glaring into the light gray walls, you thought about possible options.

It's probably best to check out that study book and revise today's lectures.

You start going through the text book and your own notes. You carefully read every single word, flipping the white pages of paper. You finish studying very fast, like you always do.

Great, now I have plenty of time and I have no idea how to spend it.

Your phone lights up and vibrates.

A message? From who?

You unlock the screen to check it out.


What are you up to right now?

You remember giving her your number yesterday, but you didn't take hers because you've happened to forget your phone at your room, thus resulting in you having nowhere to write it down.

Then an idea pops up in your head. You decide to ask her to hang out.


Ocean Blues (Zane Truesdale X Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt