Chapter 4

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[Status: edited]

{Chazz's POV}

Focus, Chazz, focus!

But I can't..

Something else is bugging my mind. This girl.. (Y/N). Her presence bothers me, even though I don't know why.

To be honest, something changed about me after that duel of ours. I don't know if I'm just disappointed in myself for not beating her, so seeing her reminds me of my own failure..or do I like her..? Wait what?!

That looser? No chance.. Either way I'm very confused.

The bell rings for lunch time, I see her heading to the exit.

Should I talk to her?


Your brother runs up to you. His little friend with glasses is with him.

" Hi Jaden. "

" Hi Y/N. " , he gives you a big smile.

His friend pulls him by the sleeve.

" Hey Jay, hmm.. aren't you gonna introduce me..? "

" Ohh yes, I forgot. Well sister, meet.. "

" Syrus. ", you finish his sentence.

They both look at you in shock.

" What? Did I get it wrong..? "

" No, you actually got it right.. How did you know? " , they say in unison.

Seriously, are they really that dumb?

You facepalm.

" Well duhh, you've told me that name yourself Jaden, many times! I remembered it, and assumed it is you who is his best friend, since I also saw you together yesterday. It's really not that complicated. " , you reply.

Jaden and Syrus look at each other, realising how stupid they made themselves look.

" You two are such dummies", you laugh it off. " Do you want to tag along and make me company at the Obelisk blue cantine? "

" Food!! " , Jaden screams.

You sigh.

He'll never really change, now will he?

" We'd be glad to, rightt Sy?? "

Syrus nods, agreeing.

" Sweet! Now, what are we waiting for?? "


The three of you are sitting by a table. Sy and you are watching Jaden eat all the food that was left behind.

How can one eat so much and be so skinny at the same time? Lucky bastard.

After he finally finished his huge meal, the talk starts.

You chatted about all sort of random stuff: new strategies you've seen, proffesors and homework (let's be honest, when it comes to homework you talked only with Syrus, your brother was just watching you cluelessly), friends and so on. Jay notices the bag beside you, and something peeking from it. He doesn't want to bother you, but he is so curious..

" (Y/N) , what's that? " , he finally says as he point a finger.

At first you are a little confused, but then you look down to the chair next to you. You then realize what's he talking about.

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