"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure Karma. It's not like the noise was from Kayano or anyone else."


I start walking off. Okuda started running a little to catch up to me. Sigh if only I got stuck with Nagisa. It's more fun teasing him. Hopefully we can find that chest soon.

Nagisa pov

I start slowly waking up. What happened? I see the flashlight and grabbed it. The last thing I remember was opening the chest and a bright light. That was it that I could remember. I shine the light and saw Kayano was still asleep. Then I shine the light to the chest. It was opened and I looked inside to see that there was a book. Kayano finally woke up.


"Good your awake."

"Is that is chest?"

I nodded my head. Kayano quickly got up and looked into the chest.

"Aww man. It's just porn books and costumes. This was a waste."

"I agree with you Kayano, but we might need to bring the chest with us."

"We might need too. I'll grab one side if you grab the other."

I nodded my head and notice their was handle bars on both sides of the chest. Kayano grab the right handle and I grab the left. We started heading back to the door. I open the door surprising we both went through the door. We finally got outside and notice no one is back yet.

"Hey Koro-Sensei. We found the chest."

Koro-Sensei was behind us and grab the chest from us.

"Thank you Nagisa and Kayano. Well you know your reward is taking a free shot at me. Just pick your day and how you want to do it."

A free shot on Koro-Sensei for a chest full with dirty magazines and cosplay sounds good enough for me, but what is with the light that made me and Kayano pass out.

"Hey Koro-Sensei. Think we might need to tell the other students that we found the chest?"

"Good idea Kayano. You and Nagisa stay here and relax. While I'll go get everyone else."

After Koro-Sensei said that, he left and left me and Kayano alone. I walked under a tree and sat down. Man that wasn't fun. Kayano walk to me. When she got into the shade, she lie down and went to sleep. My eyes was about to close until I saw Karma walking out of the cave with Okuda. I smiled and then went to sleep.

Karma pov

I looked at the tree and see Nagisa.


I yelled, but no responses. Why didn't he respond? I ran to the tree leaving Okuda behind. When I finally got to Nagisa, I notice he was sleep. I sigh in relief. Kayano was also asleep and Okuda was at her side. She also sigh in relief. I sat next to Nagisa since I got tried of standing. Nagisa's head feel on my shoulder.

'Aww he is so cute.'

I took a quick pick of Nagisa and put my phone away. I'll tease him about it later. After awhile the class started coming out of the cave. Once Koro-Sensei came back I ask him a question.

"Hey teach. Can I take Nagisa home since he is asleep?

"Sure. I don't see why not."

I'm glad he said yes. So I slowly got up and pick Nagisa up bridal style. I started walking away slowly to make sure he didn't wake up. Hmm Nagisa is lighter than usually. So now the question is to take him home or take him to my house? I'll just take him to my house and then he wakes up I'll take him home after he gets some food.

It took a while to get to my house since the cave area was pretty far away, but we finally made it. I got my keys out careful to make sure I don't wake the little snake up and open the door. Well that wasn't hard. I shut the door and lock it. Then put my keys in the tray.

'Okay. Now to get him upstairs.'

I start walking upstairs and finally got to my room.

'Oh yay another door.'

I open the door and set Nagisa on my bed. He was still sleeping peacefully. I closed the door and walk to my bed. I cover Nagisa up with my blanket.

'Hmm maybe another pic?'

I got out my phone and took a picture of Nagisa sleeping. I then set my phone to the side and lay down on my bed. My bed is so comfortable that it put me to sleep.


Yea chapter one done and I fucking hate being sick. The worst part is that it is the flu. It fucking suck. Anyways, hope you enjoy the story and what is about to happen. Btw this is my opt since I actually ship these too. On my ship list, if I had one, they would be number one. So yea anyways see you guys later.


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