Bad Teacher Part 16-Half a Heart

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"Why did you guys push me out of there haha you almost made me drop my mocha frap." she said

They get in the car and drive off I decided to leave too, I'm right behind them since we are going the same route. I arrive at school and I'm already feeling the need to breakdown crying because I have Alex first period I sigh and I get today's lesson ready. The bell rings and everybody rushes inside Alex walks in with her group of friends all holding on to each other I wanted to laugh because it was so cute but then I realized we aren't together anymore I write on the bored and I put a Journal for them to write the topic was " What is one thing you wished you can have in the whole world." sounds stupid I know but I had nothing else to write as I'm sitting there I look at Alex she looked so damn beautiful today as their done with Journals I ask who would like to come up and Jennifer get's up and presents she says

"One thing I wished for in the whole world is to get a lap dance from Channing Tatum!."

the whole class laughs including me and I ask

"Okay Jennifer that was a good one alright pick somebody else to go up."

"Hmmmmm I pick Alex!."

My heart pounded hard she looked like she was going to have a heart attack she gets up and playfully punches Jennifer in the arm and she says

"One thing I wish I can have in the whole world was relive the greatest 4 months of my life again and also to travel the world with my best friends." she says

I feel the tears swelling in my eyes and I see her eyes water and she says

"I pick Hailey haha!"

I smile and I look over at Alex and she looks back at me I feel the tears coming and I see a tear fall from her face. As the day goes on I walk inside the music room waiting for the day to end then I hear a knock on the door it's Hailey, Jennifer Perla and Jolene but Alex isn't with them.

"Hey you guys what can I help you with.?"

"We know about you and Alex's relationship but don't worry your secret safe with us." Hailey said

"How did you guys know about this about us.?" I said

"Well I saw you guys kiss last time and that's when I knew but right now I don't know what happened between you two but Alex is falling apart and I know you are too." said Hailey

I sighed knowing I'm not doing great either I couldn't tell them the truth because I knew if Jasmine found out she would kill my family and Alex so I just said.

"I can't stop missing her I love her that much but I'm doing it to protect her."

"Protect her from what Demi.?" said Jolene

"Just from harm okay I can't really go into detail okay.?"

"Okay Demi we understand but we hope you guys get back together."

"Yeah me too hope to see you guys at the ceremony."

"We'll be there bye Demi." said Perla

*2 day's later Thursday Night*

Alex's POV

I get home and my phone vibrates and it's Selena

"Sorry for not texting you I've been with Demi she's a mess."

"It's fine I've been busy with this speech and song for the ceremony tomorrow honoring Demi for saving me."

Bad Teacher-A Demi Lovato Fan FictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora