Chapter 12: Echoes of Heart

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It has been a few days before an unexpected call from Mr. Fuedela jolted us into action. His voice crackled with urgency as he revealed that he possessed both records and a surveillance video capturing Pier's departure from the plane and the airport. The impact of those words was immediate, a whirlwind of emotions engulfing me all at once - anticipation, hope, and a lingering sense of doubt.

Without wasting a moment, Silas and I made our way to Mr. Fuedela's office. A glimmer of reassurance echoed in my mind: "He didn't leave me." The affirmation provided a small but comforting anchor amidst the storm of uncertainty.

We hustled into the building, the urgency propelling us forward. In no time, we were face-to-face with Mr. Fuedela, our eyes locking onto the evidence he held. Conversations flowed quickly between Silas and him, leaving me a moment to sift through the documents. My fingers traced the flight routes and times, absorbing the hushed whispers of crew details and secretive data on that pivotal day when Pier vanished.

One detail, in particular, leaped out at me, etching itself into my mind. The time stamp – a little after six in the evening – Pier's expected landing. A bittersweet realization washed over me; he could have made it in time, even with the unpredictable traffic that threatened to delay our wedding.

The room was charged with tension as Mr. Fuedela approached the couch where I sat, his words heavy with the weight of a secret. "It wasn't easy to get that file from the Black Boxes. But because the aim was to get that confidential and legally sound document to locate a missing person, they granted me permission to have a copy" he said, his voice low and serious. I held my breath, eager to hear more.

He eased himself onto the couch opposite me, his expression a mix of determination and worry. "Miss Elizando," he continued, his tone urgent, "You need to know that the US Embassy is now involved. They're part of this, whether we like it or not." His words hit me like a jolt of electricity, and I struggled to process the new information.

My mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation. This wasn't how things were supposed to go. It was supposed to be a simple mission to find a missing person, not a tangled web involving powerful institutions. Confusion and disbelief swirled within me, leaving me feeling like the ground had shifted beneath my feet. As the reality of the situation sunk in, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

I sat there, my thoughts in turmoil, wondering how everything had spiraled out of control so quickly. My words stumbled out, laced with confusion and disbelief. "How... How could this possibly happen?" I managed to ask, my voice wavering.

Mr. Fuedela's response hit me like a tidal wave, crashing through my already muddled thoughts. "Your fiancé, Pier Cullen, is an American citizen. He's been officially recognized as a missing person in another country," he revealed, his tone carrying the weight of a somber truth. The pieces of the puzzle rearranged themselves in my mind, forming a picture I hadn't expected.

With a sense of finality, he continued, "I've managed to acquire the information we needed, but my role in this ends here. Their associates will be reaching out to you and Pier's parents to share additional details. I felt it was important to tell you in person, given the gravity of this situation."

Seeing my anxiety and confusion, Mr. Fuedela's eyes softened with reassurance. "Miss Elizando, I want you to understand that you're not alone in this. The US Embassy is committed to finding your fiancé." His words were a lifeline, pulling me from the whirlpool of emotions threatening to engulf me.

The tension in the room was palpable as Mr. Fuedela guided us through the surveillance footage, his fingers deftly manipulating the controls. With a sense of grim fascination, my eyes remained locked on the screen, where Pier's presence in the Philippines was unmistakably confirmed. The grainy images depicted him disembarking from the plane, his luggage in tow, a mere speck amidst the bustling airport backdrop. It was a bitter pill to swallow, seeing him here, half a world away from everything we knew.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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