Chapter 31: Not Over Yet

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The room erupted with joy. There was laughter. There were tears. There was even a crazy arm-slinging fit from Nasom. I think Mr. Hernandez almost flipped off the love-seat. Kennedy and I just melted in my mother's arms. My mom was crying, too. It was a beautiful moment. It felt the same thing as the last Christmas morning before the sleepers came. I remember jumping to my window—even being seventeen years old—and being excited at the snow on the ground. We didn't usually see the snow that much because of where we were in the south. I just remember how amazing it felt to see joy drifting through the air—inside and outside my house. It's not the same now, but at least I have the joy again. A success for The Vista. There's just one thing dad.

Three days later, Kennedy and I want to go see Mika, Owen, Kris, and Luke somewhere. It's been a while, and we haven't had a chance to catch up.

"Can we go see our old friends?" I ask my mom.

"Is that even a question? It shouldn't be! Please, go see them."

Kennedy and I get in touch with them. We're going to make a trip to the Soft-Green Park. It's a beautiful park down the highway from Kellersville Downtown High School.

I think Noah and Lindsey are probably in that high school. As Kennedy and I pass it, neither one of us wants to even glance at it. I'm disgusted at the way my 'friend' treated me and at the way Lindsey dragged me along. In light of it all, people will still have other motives and plans. People are gonna do what they're gonna do...

Soft-Green Park is ravishingly lovely. Its grass is abnormally green. Almost glowing. The groundskeepers must spray it or something. A stone pathway wraps around the outer edge and spins inward towards an abundance of golden fountains. The trees separate the park from a gorgeous pond on the other side. Swings and picnic tables are scattered throughout the gorgeous land. A Vista flag is flying at every corner of the park. And sitting in the center: two people we've been dying to see. Kennedy leads the way, making her own path to our friends, skipping over the stone pathways. The closer we get to the fountains, the louder the flowing water gets. It sounds almost like a band, but gravity is doing all the playing. A mist drifts in the soft wind from the fountains and onto the bright green grass.

Kennedy slides into the seat across from Mika, "where's Kris?"

"Kennedy, stand up, girl!" Mika reaches her arms out to Kennedy. They embrace in each other's arms swaying back and forth. Owen chuckles as he stands to meet me. He also goes in for a hug. The buttons on his dress shirt are cold. He rolls up his sleeves and takes a seat after hugging Kennedy. Mika jumps into my arms before we sit around the table.

"Kris had to stay behind. He said he was sorry! He is doing well! He laughs more than I've ever heard him laugh!" Owen says.

"Yeah, he always did. The terrorists—I mean sleepers—changed his attitude." I tell them.

"I know. It's weird seeing the people in the media call them terrorists. I've been so used to calling them sleepers thanks to this guy." Mika flops her arm onto Owen's shoulders.

Kennedy softly giggles as she licks her lips. Owen looks at me, then to Kennedy, then back at me. He smiles and squints his eyes. His face said 'you two are cute together. I'm happy for you, brother.'

On the same topic, Owen decides to spill the beans on Mika, "Look at this girl, all in love over here." Owen points at Mika. "Luke's been taking her out all the time. They leave me and Kris back at the apartment to just sit around. We just look at Luke's cameras and stuff." He leans in to whisper, knowing Mika can still hear him, "If you ask me...they're in love."

"Falling." Mika corrects him. "Falling in love. I'll be honest, he's great. I'm not in love...but...I think..."

Kennedy leans forward and grabs Mika's shoulder, "I know exactly what you mean, Mika."

She's falling in love with me. She's actually falling in love with me. But the thing is, I don't think I'm falling in love...I've already fallen. I'm in love.

"Okay but has anyone heard anything about the others?" Mika asks.

"Yeah," I say. "Rosemary. She didn't make it. After our visit at the sleeper camp, you know, when they shot a rocket at us? Rose stood up for herself. She actually saved my mom. She took the blame and saved her... They killed Rose."

Owen drops his head, "Rose sacrificed herself..."

"...and Titus?" Mika asks.

I let a puff of angered air leave my body. I slowly shake my head. "Nothing."

"And we can't find out with the new privacy laws," Kennedy says. She reaches her hands out to Mika and me. The four of us create a circle with our arms and lean in together. "Regardless, we did it. We're alive. We're safe. I love you all."

"I love you all, more," Mika says.

We lean away from each other and continue talking about how things are going in our lives. Mika continues to crack jokes. Kennedy still looks as gorgeous as always. Owen still talking with an appropriate amount of authority, as if he still had a map.

I look over Owen's shoulder and see and man in all black clothing walking on the stone path. He turns his head and looks with eyes only a sleeper could have. He turns to reveal a gun in his arms pointed straight at me. I jump from the table and grab Kennedy.

"Go! Go!" I scream.

Kennedy throws my arms away from her and grabs my face, "calm down, Vince!"

I shake my head and point at the sleeper. The man wearing a black leather jacket is simply holding a dog. He seems shocked and staring in confusion.

"What's going on?" I ask as I sit back down at the table, sweat starting to form on my forehead.

"It happens to all of us," Owen says.

"It's just a man with a dog. He won't hurt you," Mika says.

"I thought...I thought it was a sleeper. I saw him point a gun at me when he turned this way."

"I know what you mean. I see them, too." Mika says.

"I have nightmares. Almost every night," Kennedy says as she rubs my arm.

"We all have our moments. When you go through what we did..." Owen says with a scratchy voice.

I rub my fingers through my short hair and excel a heavy breath.

Kennedy kisses my cheek, "it's okay."


Kennedy and I step towards the front porch of Mr. and Mrs. Hernandez's house. My mom slams the yellow door open, not caring if she breaks it. It slams against the brick and vibrates back to a close. She hurries down the steps.

"Mrs. Alissa!" Kennedy says, startled.

"Vince!" my mom screams, in tears.

"What!? What is it!?" I yell, already trying to hold back tears.

She throws her arms around me. Her blond curls surrounding my face and blocking my vision.

"Kyle is coming home! Your dad is alive!"

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