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I didn't have the same locker. It wasn't that surprising and I expected that much. After all, it was put under investigation.

My eyes drifted to the yellow caution tape criss-crossed over the metal surface as I continued down the hall, fixing the strap of my heavy bag. It weighed me down, forcing me to go slower and putting more pressure than usual on my shoulders. Sure, the school assigned me a new locker, but I wasn't going to use it. Someone already broke into the one I had, what's to stop them from breaking into the new one?

The police were here all night so there could be school today. Even all after school activities were canceled yesterday, which was big. There was suppose to be a lacrosse game here against the undefeated champions, the wildcats. It was going to be the lacrosse game of the semester and the last one at that. But our school had to forfeit the match, the team pissed off beyond relief. It was no wonder I got dirty looks from the them today.

The hall was pretty empty, only a handful of students plus myself still roaming it. Lunch was already ten minutes in, most heading outside since the weather was getting better. The sun was out and shinning, not a single grey cloud in sight; all the signs of a beautiful day. I sighed, shifting my bag again, rotating my shoulder a bit. This bag was really heavy.

Giggles filled my ears as two dark haired girls scurried pass me, one of their shoulders gently bumping into mine. I watched as they stopped in front the gym, bouncing up and down like a child whose had too much candy. I didn't know them and judging from how they looked, they weren't from the senior class. They looked more like freshman or even sophomores.

Curiosity struck as my vision trailed their direction, watching as the gym door creek open. Their eyes widen, lighting up in excitement, their giggles filling the air again. What were they so happy about?

Stepping out the door was Leo himself in gym attire. He wore a proud smirk as usual but it seemed a bit different this time. It didn't reach his eyes, almost distant. Leo leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms against his chest. "What can I do for you ladies?" he purred seductively.

To say I was shock was an understatement and I wasn't the only one. One of the girls was a stuttering and blushing mess, not one single formed word escaping her mouth. It was only sounds. The other had a lot more composure, taking fully responsibility for what ever reason they were there. She cleared her throat, straightened her back and looked directly into Leo's eyes.

"My name is Tamara Jones and this is Angela White," she began. She pointed to her friend beside her who just meekly waved, lower her head and covering her face with her hair. Tamara shook her head and continued. "We are part of the prom committee and we were asked to see if the gym is now in our possession. As of yesterday was the last game and the agreement was that we would be allowed to the gym

after that game. Prom is just around the corner--"

Prom. I had forgotten all about that. It was something Allison, Monica, and I were looking forward to since freshman year. We planned down to very last single detail from what we would wear to who our dates would be. I remembered the sleepovers we would have in each of our living rooms and act as if it was prom day, dancing to a song that we would request. We promised each other that even if we had dates we would all still dance with each other to that song. I felt a sad smile slowly growing on my face. We were naive.

My eyes closed briefly for a moment before reopening it, refocusing on the three people not to far from me. The girl, Tamara, stopped speaking, staring at Leo, swallowing thickly. She was brave and looked it but I could tell she was a little afraid. Leo chuckled lightly, enough to calm the tense air and Tamara. "Of course," he replied. "A deal is a deal."

Faded [OLD DRAFT 2014]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora