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Astonishment by what was playing out in front of me rendered me speechless. I openly gawked at the stranger called Leo in front of me, his similarity to Tyler almost scary. The only difference between the two was height and size. But that was beside the point. A bunch of other questions began streaming through my head, like who was he and how did he know me because I had no idea who he was.

Leo smirked again, showing off his spotless white teeth. My heart instantly fluttered, skipping a vital beat. Was it normal to have such perfect teeth?

I froze rigidly as the thought left my mind. What was I doing? I couldn't be acting like this right now, especially with Nate and Gregory in the room. I took a brief glance towards their direction, their facial response not what I expected. Both faces were paler than their normal complexion with their eyes wide. I looked back to Leo; his close proximity brought a new surge of warmness to my cheeks.

He chuckled lightly, raising his hands, bringing it closer to my face, which I avoided. Leo abruptly stood up, his lighthearted smile still intact. "It was nice to meet you again, Elliot. Sorry to hear about your accident."

Wait, again?

Leo began to leave, but before he could, I shot up, grabbing the sleeve of his leather jacket with my left hand. My mouth opened to respond before I quickly shut it and instantly released him. What was I doing? I almost spoke out loud, in front of everyone, including Nate and Gregory. I was signing my own death wish.

"Is there something you want to ask me?" he slightly teased, the heat in my cheeks intensifying in response.

I quickly shook my head, my eyes cast downward with embarrassment before taking my seat. Leo chuckled once more before his footsteps disappeared out the room. As soon as he left, the room was filled with chatter about him. I zoned out, only concentrating on my work, hoping I wouldn't get punished later. I couldn't help but take a quick glimpse at Graham, a sharp ache staking my heart. He looked defeated.


I inwardly sighed, slamming my locker shut after shoving a bunch of books I was done with for the day. Mrs. Millbury really hated me. Since the detention incident, she's been trying to find a bunch of ways to get me in trouble. Couldn't she just get that I just wanted to be left alone? But it didn't matter anyway. After I graduate, I could leave here and not care what Landon and them do. That video, it wouldn't matter anymore because I would be far enough that it couldn't harm me.

"So, deep in thought?" a voice huskily whispered, his breath tickling my neck, making jump out my thoughts. Heat took over my body, especially my cheeks as I grabbed my assaulted ear and took a step back. I scowled at the laughing Graham in front of me.

"Not funny," I grumbled, still feeling the effects throughout my body. The warning bell for last period rang, the last few students in the hall scurrying away to avoid detention. Nobody really payed attention to the fact I was talking considerably normal in the hallway. I turned my attention back to Graham. By now, I thought Graham would've excused himself and left, but he was still here. Which was pretty brave on his part considering he had Mrs. Millbury next. "You're gonna be late."

"So are you," he childishly countered, sticking his tongue out, proving my point. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head, but couldn't help the smile creeping its way on my face. I was gonna miss him when I left this place. A sunken feeling settled in the pits of my stomach, weighing sixteen tons. I felt my smile waver, turning my attention somewhere else so he couldn't see. Leaving Graham would probably be the hardest thing besides my mom. But knowing her, she'd quit her job and move right with me to know I was all right and start all over. I was lucky to have such a loving mom as her to put up with my bull, even before this drastic change in the new me. "Hello, Earth to Elliot."

Faded [OLD DRAFT 2014]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora