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I quietly nibbled on my lunch of turkey on whole wheat at a table by myself. The lunchroom was still somewhat empty, as the bell had only rung a few minutes ago. Finishing up my turkey sandwich, I threw my garbage out as more students and teachers started entering. Most students were already talking about plans for the weekend tomorrow or probably the latest party for tonight. Picking up my book bag, I slung it over my shoulder as someone called me over, more precisely, my history teacher, Mrs. Millbury. I had no choice but to go over.

"You missed my class last period," she prompts as soon as I am close to her, her eyes narrowing into mine. I swallowed stiffly, my eyes running away from her. Of course if I knew her well, she wouldn't let this go. "Detention after school." I nodded, acknowledging I was actually listening. "I want to hear a 'Yes, madam' or a 'Yes, Mrs. Millbury'."

I ground my mouth shut, not a sound escaping my lips. My eyes drifted around the lunchroom, spotting different groups of guys, one in particular sparing me sideway glances before I turned towards Mrs. Millbury again. I could feel her temper rising high as she shooed me away, her face wrinkled at me as if I was something undesirable stuck under her shoe. As I walked away, I didn't miss what she scoffed when she thought I wasn't listening. "Disgusting abomination. I can guess what you're doing with yourself."

I kept on walking as if I didn't hear it, my legs picking up speed until I hustled out the lunchroom doors. I felt myself ram past someone but I kept on power walking, trying to blink away the stinging sensation in my eyes. 'I'm not going to cry,' I told myself, rubbing the back of my hands against both my eyes, but I couldn't hold the tears back. After trying my best to keep them at bay, they flowed out my eyes like a river and they wouldn't stop.

I ran into the nearest bathroom and into a stall, locking it behind myself. Luckily, no one else was in here or in the halls to see me cry. I let the tears run their course, as I made no attempt to stop them anymore. I slid to a space on the floor by the toilet, not caring if the floor was dirty, with my knees pressed to my chest. My book bag was pushed to the other side of the stall as I squeezed myself closer to my knees, putting an abundant amount of pressure on my ribs. But I didn't care. That pain was nothing to the pain I was feeling inside.

I stilled as I heard the bathroom door swing open, followed by a single pair of footsteps. A pounding sound rested in my ears, as the steps drew closer until it stood in front of the stall I was in.

"Elliot?" a voice whispered coolly. I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"Yes," I croaked, clearing my gravel like throat as I recognized the voice as Graham's. I quickly wiped my face of tears and probably a bit of snot with the edge of my sweater before standing up. I picked up my bag and adjusted it over my shoulder as I went to unlock the stall. I paused that action midway, turning back to flush the toilet for some unknown reason and then unlocked the door. I was met face to face with Graham.

Until now, I never really noticed he was a few inches taller than me. He opened his mouth to speak then paused, closing it. Instead, he pulled me into a tight hug that I couldn't find the strength to pull away from. His hug instantly filled me up with tranquility and warmth. I rested my head on his chest with a sigh, hearing the steady heart beat that oddly almost sounded identical to mine. It was bizarrely soothing, making what happen earlier nothing but a bad dream I could wake up from.

"Feeling better?" he voiced, his lips tickling the tip of my ear.

At first I nodded, but then decided on something else. "Yes, thank you." As the words left my mouth, I could feel him smiling. Sadly, he had to let me go but I didn't show my disappointment. I only knew him for two days, but it seemed as though I knew him my whole life.

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