.VII. part 2 [EDITED]

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"Graham!" I screeched, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks. My head fell into my hands as he belted off in laughter, holding his stomach. I couldn't believe he found that! I couldn't even find it after hiding it so well. Well that's what I get for letting him roam my room and poke his head around where he had no business doing so. I forgot all about those things.

"What? I think it's quite hot you have this," he waved the neon green vibrator a little more, making me groan. I felt my face get a little hotter at that, but it got extremely hot at what he said next. "Have you ever used it?"

"Of course not!" I exclaimed, trying to snatch it out of his hands but he wouldn't let me, raising it a bit higher. This is where I noticed he was a lot taller than my five-nine. I huffed, trying again and failing as he pulled it out of my reach. He laughed at my effort, wiggling it closer to me but not letting me take it. I huffed in defeat, giving up on ever taking it, but giving him a little glare. "Jerk."

"So my little Elliot is a bit feisty," he cooed, laughing and giving me a wink. He chucked it over in my direction and I caught it midair. "Where did you get that from? I doubt you'd walk into an adult store and purchase it yourself."

"It was a birthday present," I muttered as he stared at me in disbelief. "Seriously, I'm not kidding." In fact it was the truth, courtesy of my two best friends who gave it to me for my sixteenth birthday last year. It's not everyday when your friends buy you a vibrator and say to have fun with it. Well it is for me who received a new toy every holiday from them. Even if it's a holiday none of us celebrated.

"Wow. I should've been there to see the look on your face. It must have been priceless," he smirked as I rolled my eyes. I threw the plastic thing on my bed, keeping a mental note to find and throw away the rest. Knowing Graham, he might find all twenty-nine of them stashed around the room. I stumbled over to my bed, wincing as I sat down. He didn't notice. Graham sat next to me, pulling me more in the middle next to him.

I yawned, my eyes watering a bit. I glanced over at my alarm clock, midnight. My mother should be on her way from the hospital if she didn't get called to stay back. I snuggled into his chest, closing my eyes for just a moment and then I'd get up. Hands patted down my hair, trailing at my face as I reopened my eyes. He smiled down at me. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing. You just look adorable sleeping." I pouted at that. I wasn't adorable, but I was too tired to disagree. I yawned again closing my eyes once more. I reopened them when he kissed my forehead. I curiously stared at him as he lowered his face again, kissing my cheeks, my nose, the corner of my mouth, and finally my lips.

My eyes drifted close as his lips softly glided over mine. He took my bottom lip, grazing his teeth gently on it in a nibble. I let out a tiny moan as his tongue poked around past my teeth, capturing mine. His tongue was warm and smooth, taking its time exploring the inside of my mouth. A small spark tingled around us, intensifying the kiss. Graham's hands wrapped themselves around my waist, pressing me tight to him as mine took a liking to his hair. I gently tugged at his lush locks, letting my fingers get lost into them, feeling to the roots.

My heart fluttered rapidly, filled with nervousness as his nose shyly brushed mine. He toyed with my tongue again, wrapping it like trying to tie a knot. I could almost swear he could hear how loud my heart grew with each beat as it pounded in my ears. His warm breath entangled with mine, creating an unearthly flavor I couldn't name, but tasted sweet, almost like chocolate and mint. Graham broke the kiss pulling away as I reopened my eyes. A thin trail of drool connected us together before it snapped into nothing.

I felt my face heat up from what we just did as he smiled, pecking me briefly on the lips once more. My head turned away from him, while my hair did a good job of concealing my face. I must have look like a light bulb. This wasn't my first kiss, which was stolen from rounds of truth and dare over the years, but the way I was feeling made it seem so. I felt his hand brush up against my face as he spoke. "You should get some sleep. I shouldn't keep you up to late."

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