Chapter 9: Game Time

Start from the beginning

"Don't even think about it Gabriel. You're lucky you got away with that lick, don't push it."

"Yes ma'am," he replies with a smirk.

Shaking my head, I walk down the hallway to my bedroom.

Now for the hard part.

I walk into my closet and change into a pair of skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. I slip on a pair of ankle socks and my well worn pink and white converse. I throw on a pick cardigan at the last minute and walk back out leaving my hair down.

When I walk back out into the living room, Raven raises an eyebrow, most likely at my cardigan. I give him a subtle shake of my head and take a seat on the sofa. Axel and Raven take the seats next to me, effectively blocking me in, again. I roll my eyes with a small smile as Corey takes the last open seat on the couch next to Raven.

I can tell that some of the guys are a little miffed about not being able to sit next to me, but that doesn't make a difference to Gabriel, Luke, and Sean, who all take a seat on the floor in front of the sofa I'm on. Luke manages to get the seat in front of me, and I curl my legs up on the couch so that he can sit back.

Making adjustments for them already. Somethings never change.

Marc and Brandon bring out a couple of bean bag chairs from the closet and take their seats over by the balcony. Owen, Kota, Victor, and Nathan, take up the seats of the sectional over by the balcony, leaving North and Silas to grab chairs from the kitchen.

Once we're all settled, we start discussing possible options for catching Volto. Well...discussing is probably too nice of a word...arguing would probably fit better. The teams are divided in their opinions of how we should handle this, although I'm not too sure on why they think I'll just listen to whatever idea they come up with. However, I'll happily sit here in silence while they waste their breath.

Somehow my hand on my lap makes it's way into Luke's short blonde locks, my hands trying to get used to the new length.

This goes on for a couple of hours while the guys talk, their words merging into nonsensical sounds as I lose myself to the new reality surrounding me. All talking stops when we hear keys in the door, followed by Phil coming in with the twins.

They run straight over to our couch, and jump on Gabriel and Luke.

"Whoa," Luke laughs. "Hey munchkins, where's the fire?"

"No fire Daddy Luke," Morgan starts.

"Just excited," Cole finishes.

"Uh huh," I laugh. "And how much sugar did Grandpa Phil give you?"

"Ummm...," the twins way together before collapsing into a fit of giggles.

"Yup, that's what I thought,"

"Kids, why don't you go to your room for a bit while the grownups finish talking," Phil suggests.

"Ok," they say together before running off to their room.

"Wow, you did an amazing job with them, Pookie," Sean says with a smile.

"Yeah, well...I had help," I say with a tight smile.

"So what's the verdict?" Phil asks as he takes the seat North vacates.

"Well, the men seem to think that we can pull Volto out of thin air," I comment.

"The only place we know is safe is this building," North grunts.

"Well, I'm not prone to hiding or sticking my head in the sand so try again," I tell him.

"Sang is more than capable of taking care of herself and the twins," Axel inserts.

"No one is saying that she isn't," Owen steps in before things get out of hand again. "We just want to make sure that they are safe at all costs."

"And until we find him, that's not possible," I say. "So here what we're gonna do. You guys are gonna move into the building, and we're going to continue our lives, business as usual. We stay focused, be vigilant, and keep a close eye on anyone who looks or acts suspicious. I'm not changing our lives when we don't even know where this guys is or what he looks like."

"Sang, I don't think-"

"And I don't care," I interrupt Brandon. "You wanted a solution, and I gave you one. Case closed."

"So you want us to move in?" Silas asks with a smile.

He's been pretty quiet up until now, which didn't really bother me because that's just how Silas is. He only speaks when he has something substantial to say.

It's good to see somethings haven't changed.

"Into the building," I emphasize. "It'll be easier for the kids. I wouldn't keep them from you."

"Eímai stin efcháristi thési na sas doúme akóma noiázontai gia mas, Aggele Mou. (I'm glad to see you still care for us, my angel.)"

"Poté den stamátise frontída, Yperánthropos. (I never stopped caring, Superman)" I respond in turn.

The look of shock on his face is well worth not telling them that I've learned a few languages in their absence. His face matches those of his brother's as they look at me in shock and awe. I gotta say, it feels good knowing I can still surprise the Blackbourne team.

"Alright, that's enough surprises for now," Marc smirks. "How about we bring the kids out, make some pizza, and watch a few movies."

"Don't you mean buy pizza?" Luke asks in confusion.

"Nope, he means make. The dough is at the twins' place, right?" I ask aloud.

"Yup, I'll go get it," Corey offers.

"I'll get the twins," Brandon states.

"I'll help," says North.

With a small nod from Brandon, they go down the hallway to get the twins, while I go into the kitchen to get the ingredients ready.

This should be interesting.

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