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(A.N HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY:'( one direction is no longer a boy band...they're a man band..Can't believe he's 20 :O excuse me whilst I crying just yet I have a chapter to write. Iloveyou beautiful readers...comment and let me know what you think it would be a big help and would show me you guys a liking my story...BYE)

I woke up tangled in the sheets off the bed..I looked at Liam and he was sleeping still...he's so cute when he sleeps...he looks so innocent...his stubble is growing back...making him look more sexy and handsome although that's not a change or anything.."Hayles please stop staring at me..why do you have all the sheets?" He asked "I don't know" I said putting the duvet over him...he pulled me onto him..the only thing that either one of us has on is underwear, although I was lying on him..I could feel his boxers getting tight..I giggled and he smiled "your so beautiful how did I ever get so lucky to have you" he said "shouldn't it be me asking you that Li?" I asked "nope..your Niall's best friend and Harry's twin...if you never where friends with Niall you wouldn't know Harry...and you wouldn't have met me" he said "and I wouldn't change any of it not for all the gold in the world" I said and kissed him, he rolled us over so he was lying over my but only his arms were holding himself up at either side of my head..I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down onto me our lips re-attached, I rolled him over so I sat straddling him and he put his large hands on my bum and pulled me closer to him...we started kissing again...and well you know where this is headed..(A.N sorry its short but I sprained my wrist and I can only type with one hand who knew fooling around with one of your friends could lead you to a trip to A+E...hope you guys like it BYE)

My Brother is Who??? (A one direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now