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Liam's P.O.V

"Sophia what are you doing here" I ask "Liam I'm here to get you back" she states "you need to go, bye" I said closing the door but she stuck her foot out so the door wouldn't close and she stepped into the house "Liam please listen" she begged "no Sophia" I said then my phone started ringing "hello"

"Hey Niall" "hey your on speaker Liam" "cool what's up" "Liam how's my loving sister" "she's good harry just gone to sleep" I saw Sophia head for the stairs and I grab her arm and pull her back she just stands their with her arms crossed staring at me blankly "okay take care of her or else" "will do, and boys when will you be home" "five minutes were at nandos" "okay, could you take it to go Sophia's here" "WHAT, WHY LIAM" they all scream I put the phone away from my ear "well I don't know come over now" "she has to leave Hayley could actually kill her this time" "I know I know" "were coming now" and I hung up "upstairs is she yes I'll punch her see if she likes it" Sophia said walking over to the stairs "NO" I scream "Liam she messed up your life your nineteen and have two not one but TWO babies" she said "I love Hayley and I don't care" I said folding my arms "yeah well I love you" she said her bottom lip trembling like she wanted me to say it back

Sophia's P.O.V

"I love Hayley and I don't care" Liam said folding his arms across his chest wow he looked good "yeah well I love you" I said I felt tears coming but I kept them in my lip started trembling I look over at Liam and jump on him and start kissing him he tried to push my of but that ain't happening "Liam" I heard behind us I jumped up off the floor and looked behind me and their she was standing Hayley "Liam how could you" she said "she kissed me" he said "liam you were kissing back" I smirked

Hayley's P.O.V

I heard a big thud I went to see if Liam was okay I walk down stairs and see Sophia on top of him kissing "Liam" I questioned they both stood up very quickly "Liam how could you" I said I was really angry "she kissed me" he said "Liam you were kissing back" Sophia said smirking I walked over to him and punched his face and when my fist collided with his jaw the boys walked in "Hayley what happened" Niall asks running over to me I look at him and run up stairs not even looking back

Liam's P.O.V

Hayley's fist collided with my jaw and it echoed through the silent house then the boys walked in "Hayley what happened" Niall asked running over to her she looked at him and ran up the stairs "Sophia get out you've caused to much trouble" I said "fine but call me Liam" she said skipping out the door "are you gonna tell us what happened" Louis asked as they all walked over to me "um Sophia kissed me" I state "WHAT SHE DID" Harry screamed "Harry I said that I loved Hayley and Sophia said well I love you and she just leapt onto me and I fell over I tried my hardest to get her off but she wasn't having it then Hayley walked down the stairs" I said, I looked around at the boys they just looked disgusted and sad they all walked into the kitchen I went into the living room where my laptop was and turned it on and went onto twitter and started tweeting


Happy my girl got out the hospital:) but Sophia made things bad...fare to say the boys won't be talking to me anytime soon



Yeah me either:(

(A.N I can not get to sleep and I have school tomorrow...well since I'm so nice I gave you this Chapter, vote/fan/comment iloveyouguys!!!)

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