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The quidditch match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw was this weekend, and the whole school had been stirred up with excitement. This is the last match of the year, the one that would determine which team would win the house cup.

Ron was nervous for it, and on top of that, people chanting the same rhymes from last year at him. And the others were not only targeting him, they were targeting Ginny and all the other players for Gryffindor.

Katie Bell came back to school this week, after staying at St. Mungo's for being under the Imperius curse. So, that meant she would be taking back her spot as chaser for her last two matches at Hogwarts.

Ron was with Hermione and Ginny in the common room, doing homework together. Though Ron wasn't very interested in Potions at the moment.

"Hey what are you reading?" Ron asked his sister, who was looking through Harry's torn up copy of Advanced Potion Making. Ginny looked up in alarm.

"I'm just looking at the crazy stuff in here." She said. "Some of it is useful."

"That doesn't mean Harry should keep it."

"I know Ron, I'm not stupid." Ginny said, shifting in her seat and closing the book. "You know, we should hide it on him.

"He would kill us." Hermione said. "But that doesn't mean we shouldn't."

As if he could hear them, Harry walked through the portrait hole. He looked horrible. His clothes were damp and covered in what looked like blood. He ran over to where they were sitting, looking around frantically.

"Harry is that blood?" Hermione gasped. Harry ignored her.

"Give me your potions book." He demanded of Ron.

"What? But what about yours?"

"That too." Harry looked around, took the book Ginny was holding out to him and Ron's book.

"What's going on Harry?" Hermione asked. She looked worried and annoyed that Harry wasn't answering her. Ron was annoyed too.

After Harry took the books, he ran out of the common room, just like that, leaving the three of them curious.

Harry didn't come back for a while. He kept Ron, Hermione and Ginny up and worrying about him and the fact that there was blood all over him.

When he did come back, he told the whole story. Of how he was in the boy's bathroom, fighting with Draco and how he almost killed him.

"Don't tell me that spell was from that book." Was what Hermione said first. When Harry didn't say anything she nearly hit him. "Harry I told you! What did you do with the book?"

"I got rid of it. For good."

Hermione seemed to have calmed down after hearing that. Ron hated Malfoy just as much as Harry did, but he wouldn't want him killed. Harry would have been a murderer had Snape not been there to save Draco.

This was bad news though, because it meant Harry had detention for during the quidditch match. Harry, the team captain and the best seeker the team has ever had, would not be able to play. Ron feared they would be doomed.

The next morning, he woke up all nervous. He could tell Harry was too by the way he was sulking around and complaining about how he couldn't play. Ginny would be taking his spot, which made Ron feel a little better about. His sister was one of the best quidditch players he had ever seen. Maybe she was even better than Harry.

Neither Ron or Harry said anything while getting dressed that morning or while walking to the great hall for breakfast.

Hermione grinned when she saw them walk in. Everyone was either dressed in red and gold or blue and copper and they were louder than ever this early in the morning.

After a quick piece of toast, Harry got up from the table again. "I'd better get to detention before Snape extends them to the summer. Good luck with the match."

He patted Ron on the back and grinned at the rest of the Gryffindor team, who was all seated together this morning, along with Hermione.

After his breakfast, Ron walked out nervously behind Ginny and the others. Opposing teams (mostly the Slytherins) were chanting and teasing them as they left. Ron found it rather amusing when his sister made a rude hand gesture at them as they walked out.

"Ron." Ron stopped as he felt Hermione's hand on his shoulder. "I just wanted to say good luck, and I know you'll do great."

She was fidgeting her fingers nervously and had a nice grin on her face. It made Ron smile just to see her.

"Thanks 'Mione."

"Ron let's go." Ginny called from behind him. He looked at Hermione one last him, then jogged to catch up to the rest of the team. He suddenly felt no doubt in that they were going to win this thing.


Ron was right. Gryffindor beat Ravenclaw with a score of four hundred and fifty to a hundred and forty. Everyone was hollering and cheering as they flooded the halls on the way back to Gryffindor common room to celebrate.

Everyone was hugging and congratulating each other. Ginny was holding the house cup. It was silver and shiny. She passed it to Ron while Hermione hugged her to congratulate her. Ron loved the way the cup felt in his hands. It was amazing.

Hermione shifted over to Ron and threw her arms around his neck, he hugged her back, throwing his arms around her waist and pulling away too soon for Ron's liking. "You were amazing! I told you that you would win!"

Harry appeared through the portrait hole not much longer after.

"We won mate!" Ron had to shout to be hear over the crowd. Harry responded with a wide smile.

Ron wasn't expecting what happened next. Ginny ran across the room to harry and hugged him. Then, they kissed.

The whole room turned silent as they saw what was happening. Ron was shocked to see his little sister snogging his best friend. He didn't even know they liked each other.

When the two of them finally pulled away from each other, someone hollered and the cheering began again.

Ron looked at Hermione and saw her excited expression. Dean, on the other hand, looked so angry he accidentally broke the glass in his hand.

Ron caught Harry's eye when they were done with their little kiss. Harry looked like he was wanting some sort of approval from Ron, he shrugged.

When he thought about it, this didn't really bother him in any way. Sure, it might be a little weird, but the more he thought about it, Ron would rather his sister be with his best friend, then someone else he didn't know nearly as well.





Thank you for reading! I was actually really excited writing this chapter and I'm looking forward to writing future chapters because this is when it really gets good lol. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did leave a comment letting me know! I love to hear what you have to say and I really appriciate it!


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