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"What?" Hermione asked Ginny in disbelief. She was shocked from the news she just heard.

"Yes, come with me." Ginny took her hand and pulled her along in the corridor to the Infirmary. Hermione was still not sure exactly what happened to Ron, but what she understood, was that he almost died. So she ran along with Ginny.

It was so early, no one was there besides Harry, Dumbledore, Madam Pomfrey and the girls. But Hermione only saw Ron, lying there. His skin was paler than usual, even his freckles looked a lighter color.

She walked closer to the bed. Harry was sitting next to it and there was another seat that Ginny took. Harry looked up and her and grinned sympathetically.

"What happened?" Hermione asked, but not too loudly in case it would wake Ron.

Harry shrugged and turned in his chair to face Hermione. "He accidentally ate the chocolates Romilda Vane gave me with the love potion in it, so I took him to Slughorn and got him back to normal. Then Slughorn gave us a drink to celebrate, for Ron's birthday, but it turns out that the drink was no good. His mouth started foaming and he wasn't breathing right, so I found a bezoar and shoved it down his throat and he was normal."

"Good thinking Harry." Hermione said, but she was still nervous, even though Ron is better, he's just resting. But that is not the way that anyone wants to spend their sixteenth birthday.

They all sat there, the three of them chatting a bit and waiting for Ron, until Fred and George walked through the infirmary doors.

"How is he?" George asks.

Madam Pomfrey talks to them and Harry repeats his story about what happened again.

"Not a great start to his birthday, aint it?" Fred said. "We were waiting in Hogsmeade to give him his present."

"What'd you get him?" Ginny asks.

"Well...us." Fred said. Ginny made a face.

"What, you know you were just waiting and waiting until the summer to see us again." George says.

Hermione wanted to laugh along with everyone but she felt horrible. What if there wasn't a bezoar to save Ron, what if Harry wasn't there? Ron could have died and the last memory he would have of her is being hexed. How could she let this happen?

She sniffled quietly, holding back some tears she had mustered up. Harry looked at her but she just looked away like nothing happened.

Hagrid was the next person to walk in the room. "Merlin, I couldn't believe the news when I found out. Who'd want ter poison poor old Ron? Just look at 'em."

"Think it's related to the other attack?" Fred asked. Speaking of what happened to Katie Bell when she was possessed in Hogsmeade.

"It has to be," Hermione says. She was staying quiet for the whole day and didn't speak until now. "They're too similar, both victims could have died but didn't, both were just innocent bystanders who weren't the target, it has to be the same person behind it all."

"Er....my....nee." Ron mutters in his sleep. Everyone looks to him, but he doesn't wake or anything, just shifts in the bed.

But Hermione perks up. Was she just hearing things, or did that sound a lot like her name? There was silence in the room, and Hermione found herself holding a breath, waiting for Ron to do something else. One of the twins tries to chuckle discretely.

"Ermynee." Ron says it again but quicker this time. Hermione takes a seat on the edge of his bed and smiles, maybe the feud between them will be over.

Someone whistles and Hermione turns her head sharply, sure that her cheeks are beet red now. She doesn't see who whistled, but she doesn't care, all that matters now is that Ron is okay.

The doors swing open again, and out comes Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. They go right up to Harry, hugging him and thanking him for saving yet another member of their family.

Madam Pomfrey reminds them only six people are allowed to visit, so Hagrid and Harry leave leaving all Weasley's and Hermione. She realizes that she should have went with them and left the family all to themselves.

Hermione hops of the edge of Ron's bed and says her goodbyes and goodnights to the Weasley's, although she is not sure that anyone but Ginny heard her with all the chatter going on in here. She waved goodbye and left the infirmary quickly and sighed when she got out, that was sure overwhelming.


The next week was agonizing. It was not easy worrying about Ron, even though he is getting better.

Hermione went to visit him for the first time, without Harry or anyone, on Monday around dinner time. He was up and alert, eating a whole big piece of chicken, but still looked pale and had bags under his eyes.

He didn't say anything at first. And it took a little while for Hermione to say something too. "How are you feeling?" She asked, stepping closer into the room.

"Better, I guess. I'm just tired."

"Well, at least you're awake now." She said. "Do you remember anything from Saturday at all?"

Ron looked like he was thinking. "Today's Monday?" Hermione nodded. "No, I dont think I remember anything." He shrugs and avoids her eye.

"What's that you got there?" Ron asked pointing to the package Hermione was holding.

"Oh, it's...your birthday present." She gave it to him and Ron gestured for Hermione to sit down, so she took a seat on the edge of the bed, making sure that she was far enough away.

Ron opened the small box Hermione handed him, and grinned. "New Keeping gloves?"

"I know it's not much, but it was short notice and-"

"Hermione, don't be stupid, it's great. I needed new ones anyway, thanks." She nodded.

The two chatted for a bit, making small talk, until they both heard a screeching voice in the hallway.

"Blimey, its Lavender." Ron said. "Er...see you soon I guess." Ron layed back down and put his new gift on his night table. He was pretending to be asleep.

Lavender burst through the doors like everyone was hoping to see her or something. She looked sad and distraught and ran over to Ron's bedside. Hermione stood up at once.

Lavender turned her head sharply at Hermione. "What are you doing here?" She snapped.

"I-well same as you, I came to see Ron." She emphasized his name, Hermione hateed hearing Lavender call him Won Won and Ron not have the heart to tell her he hates it.

"You haven't even spoken to him in weeks." Lavender spat. "I guess you reckon he's all intersting now!"

"You-you must be insane! He's been poised!" Hermione raised her voice to her. "Interesting..." She muttered and shook her head disaprovingly.

"How long has he been asleep?" Lavender demanded. Hermione couldnt believe she was even talking to her, she was ready to leave the room. She wasn't even sure Lavender was asking her until she looked at her.

"Oh, you just missed him." Hermione said cheerfully, smiled and left the room. The best way to deal with Lavender, was to make it seam like she wasnt bothered by her at all. And the look on Lavender's face was priceless.





Hi everyone, hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry if there are any spelling or grammer issues, I tend to be a little stupid sometimes.

Anyways, I wanted to let you all know that I posted a new book of short stories and one-shots. They will, for the most part, be haarry potter (and the occasional glee). You should all check it out, I put a Romione chapter on there!

Don't fotget to vote and comment, love your feedback! Thanks for reading


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