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The next week started Quidditch trials, and Ron was eager to try out. He was worried, but not that much because he knew Harry most likely wouldn't kick him off the team.

That morning, Ron was sitting in the great hall with Harry and Hermione for breakfast.

"I wonder why there are so many people trying out this year, the signup list was completely full!" Harry said.

"Come on Harry, its not Quidditch that people are signing up for, its you." Hermione said. Ron looked up at her from his kipper with a questioning look on his face. "You can't tell me people don't want to be on the same team as 'the chosen one'. Harry, everyone believes you now and besides, you've become quite fancible."

Ron choked at that last part. What did Hermione mean by fancible?

"And also Harry, what about all the hard times the Ministry has given you? Look, you can still see the marks on your hand from Umbridge."  She grabbed Harry's hand and turned it over to see the marks.

"I still have my marks from the ministry." Ron butted in, rolling up his sleeve to show the scars he still had from last year.

"And you've also grown a foot taller over the summer!" Hermione said, completely ignoring Ron.

"I'm tall!" Ron insisted. He was starting to grow angry now, with Hermione pointing out 'special things about Harry' that weren't really that special. He was also annoyed that he was being outright ignored by his two best friends, but that wasn't new.


Later that day were the Quidditch tryouts. Hermione decided to go and watch, like a few other people were doing, like Lavender and the Patil twins.

When Harry and Ron walked out, Hermione saw Parvati nudge Lavender. "Look, there he is."

All three of them started giggling like foolish little girls when Ron walked by, he just blinked. Hermione scoffed at the sight of it.

Lavender must have heard though because she turned around sharply and gave Hermione a disdainful look.

There were loads of people lined up to try out. Amongst them were Ginny, Katie Bell, and Cormac McLaggen.

Hermione watched carefully as Harry held the trials for Keeper. Ron and McLaggen were up against each other, and it looked like whoever blocked all five shots given to them by Ginny, was going to be on the team.

McLaggen was up, so far he had gotten four out of the five shots. Hermione was worried, there would be no chance of Ron beating him with all the people watching. Ron wasn't very good with nerves.

Ginny was going for the next shot, the Quaffle was headed straight for McLaggen, this couldn't happen.

Hermione put her hand over her mouth as if she was yawning and her wand was pointed in the right direction under her leg. It would be horrible if Harry had to kick his best friend off the team.

"Confundus!" She whispered.

McLaggen was taken by surprise and swerved away from the Quaffle, failing to block it from getting in.

Hermione grinned as she looked around to see if anyone was watching her, good thing no one was. 

When Ron went, he blocked all five of his shots, thankfully. So there would be no reason for him to be off the team.

Hermione was still quite pleased with herself when Ron kept going on about how happy he was that McLaggen missed.


The next few weeks, Hermione was to attend one of Professor Slughorn's dinner parties. At first she was upset that she would have to go without Harry or Ron, but then again, she had Ginny.

For one of the parties, the Slug Club was sitting around the wide round table in Professor Slughorn's office.

"-that's too bad you didn't make the team Cormac, I know what a fantastic Quiddditch player you are, aren't you?" Slughorn was going on.

Hermione exchanged a glance with Ginny, who was sitting beside her.

"Yes, that's right, I can do every position. Its just too bad Weasley is much better than i am." Hermione nearly snorted at how fake McLaggen was being.

He glanced at her from across the table with a disgusting look of desire. She looked away quickly.

There was a knock at the door halfway through dinner. "Ah, that must be my special guest." Slughorn said.

Everyone watched as Slughorn got up to answer the door. "Gwenog!" Ginny turned her head sharply as she heard the name, "Its so lovely of you to join us tonight. I have a fabulous group of students I'm sure you will be pleased to meet." 

"Oi, that's Gwenog Jones from the Holyhead Harpies!" Ginny leaned in to tell Hermione. She could sense the excitement in her voice.

The rest of the night was rather fun, much more than Hermione expected it to be. At the end of the dinner, Hermione was on her way out when Slughorn stopped everyone.

"I have an announcement to make." He said. "I would like to let you all know I will be hosting a Christmas party this year and you can all bring a...guest, if you will."

Hermione caught McLaggen looking her way and exited quickly, before he reached her.

She knew who she wanted to ask to the Christmas party, but she didn't know how, or when to do it. So for now, she just let it be.

Unspoken Love {Romione}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя