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The stinging hex only hurt for a minute, but it did hurt. Lavender was trying to help Ron "feel better" but there was no help needed anyway.

Ron shoved her off and went to bed, to tired to even think about what just happened, but take it all in. Crazy this all was.

Valentine's Day was quickly approaching. Ron never noticed Valentine's Day before, only now that Lavender was talking about it with him every second they were together. But Ron was trying to wean off of being with her.

Like maybe if they saw each other less and less each day, she would eventually forget about him and he could go back to being free.

Ron was walking with Harry to class one day. Hermione ran up to Harry's other side to talk with him. Something about Dumbledore, Ron wasn't really paying attention.

"Harry!" A voice called from behind them. It was Ron's own sister, Ginny. Ron reckoned she wanted to talk with Harry about Quidditch or something. Harry went off to talk to her, leaving Ron and Hermione outside the doorway to Charms.

They exchanged a glance, but Hermione looked away. "Look, I'm...sorry about...what happened the other night." Hermione said.

Ron perked up. "You're actually talking to me?" Hermione nodded. Ron was shocked, and smiling with amusement. There was a silent and awkward pause before Ron realized what Hermione even said. "Oh right, well it's fine. Nothing to worry about."

"That's good."

"Mhm." Ron nodded and grinned. But Hermione was already walking into the classroom. Ron followed and Harry joined him.

Charms was always boring, but professor Flitwick wasn't that bad. He was a good teacher, and better yet, he's on the right side in this war.


A few weeks passed, and Ron's birthday was right around the corner. Ron was excited, it will be his sixteenth birthday, and it meant presents and food all day long. If only one day would go by sooner.

They were supposed to go to Hogsmeade for the weekend, but the trip was cancelled. Harry reminded him about what happened to Katie Bell on the last Hogsmeade trip.

When Harry and Ron were getting ready for bed that night, the night before Ron's birthday, after a long day of classes. Harry was up looking at the mauraders map, it seemed to be the only thing Ron saw him doing lately.

"Watching for Malfoy again?" Ron asked. He took a handful of chocolates from a box he found under his bed and scoffed them down quickly.

"Mhm." Harry nodded.

"Can we go down to dinner?" Ron asked. His chocolates were just a snack for before dinner.

"Wait a minute." Harry watched the map with a  confused expression, but then whispered 'mischief managed' and folded it up.

"Alright, let's go then." Harry got up.

"Go where?" Ron asked, he suddenly forgot what just was happening.

"To dinner."

"Oh, I guess." Ron said. How could Harry be thinking about dinner? All ron could think about was a certain Gryffindor girl, Romilda Vane. "But I'm not very hungry."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows and stared at him. "But you just said..."

"Harry it won't stop." Ron blurted. "I can't stop thinking about her."

"Oh." Was all Harry said, along with making a face of confusement, and of disgust. "Okay...then." He continued to walk towards the door.

"No, Harry I can't stand it!" Ron stood boldly in the middle of the room. What was happening to him? HIs head was filled with thoughts of Romilda, and only her. Ron suddenly wanted to be with her so bad, but he couldn't recall a time that he had ever talked to her before.

"Whatever. You can still eat dinner, can't you?"

"Do you think she knows I exist?" Ron asked, ignoring Harry.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure she knows who she has been snogging the past few months."

"Snogging?" Ron didn't recall ever snogging Romilda. "Who are you talking about?"


"Lavender? I don't care about her, I only care about Romilda!"

"Romilda? Romilda Vane?" Ron lit up as Harry said her name. Ron nodded and Harry just starred at him, not saying anything for a good minute.

Harry raised an eyebrow. "You're joking right?"

Ron took an angry step forward and his eyes changed from happy, to an eviler look. "I love her!"

"Yeah, real funny. Jokes over, ha ha." Harry walked out the door to their dorm and Ron went after him. He was raging that Harry would insult her like that.

"Levicorpus!" He pointed his wand at Harry. The spell went over him, and soon he was dangling in front of Ron until he let him go.

"What the hell was that for?" Harry protested.

"You insulted Romilda! You said it was a joke, its not a joke Harry."

"What has gotten into-" Harry was looking past Ron. Ron couldn't figure out what he was looking at.

Harry walked past him into their room to right where the box of chocolates was laying on Ron's bed. "Where did you get these?"

Ron just shrugged and said, "Idunno."

"Ron, these aren't just chocolates, their filled with a love potion. Romilda gave them to me for Christmas but I tossed them out."

"You're just jealous!" Ron said.

"Alright, that's it." Harry walked out of their dorm, dragging Ron with him. "I'm going to get you fixed."





I know this is so short, but I hope you like it! Thanks for reading, don't forget to vote and comment, I love feedback!

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