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This was the first year in a while that Hermione wouldn't be spending Christmas with Harry and Ron. This year she was going to be with her family.

The train ride was very odd when she didn't have anyone to sit with. She would sit with Ginny, but she was with Dean. There was absolutely no way she would even sit near Ron though.

She was walking through the the isle of the train, looking for someone who would want to sit with her, as she passed the compartment where Harry and Ron were sitting.

Harry smiled and waved, Ron did too, but Hermione walked away as fast as she could.

She finally found Neville sitting with Luna together and sat with them. They welcomed her without any hesitation, like she supposed Ron would.

When they arrived at King's Cross, Hermione saw Mr and Mrs Weasley. Mrs Weasley waved her over.

"Hermione, I'm so sorry you aren't spending Christmas with us this year. I hope you have a good time with your parents, tell them we said hi."

"Thank you Mrs. Weasley, good to see you."

"You too dear." Hermione walked away when she heard Ron and Harry behind her, she didnt turn around though, just kept on walking. Her parents would be out in the parking lot, they couldn't get through the barrier without her.

She found them standing right outside the station, sitting on a bench together.

"Mum? Dad?"

The couple turned around at the sound of her voice and stood up, both wearing smiles.

"Hermione!" Her mum hugged her first. Although it hasn't been very long since she has seen them last, she did miss them.

The car ride wasn't long, Hermione's house was not that far outside the city. It was chilly outside, so Hermione pulled her coat tighter as she walked up the path to her little grey house.

Her mum put her arm around her, pulling her in close. "So how is school going?"

Hermione nodded her head. "Yeah, its great." She lied. Hermione never talked about this kind of stuff with her parents, or anyone for that matter. She couldnt tell her that school was horrible because her best friend now has a girlfriend.

When they walked in, a Christmas dinner was ready on the dinning room table. Hermione smiled and sat down.

"How are your friends? How come you didn't want to stay with them this holiday?" Her dad asked.

"They're good, I just wanted to see you guys this Christmas. It's been a while."Hermione said.

After dinner Hermione retreated to the living room, to watch the evening news with her parents. The reporter on the screen was a woman wearing a red dress with a jacket over it.

"There have been several attacks this week, from what, we are not sure." She said. "Just this afternoon there were attacks on the country side, bringing fire to a family's home. We hear that there was no major injuries and the family of nine is okay."

There was a picture at the top left of the tv screen of a house that was wildly familiar, but it was burning with flames. The picture was overhead, taken from a helicopter most likely, so it was hard to tell exactly what was being shone.

But then Hermione saw the little specks of orange heads in the picture. "Family of nine" the reporter had said... Hermione's hands went over her mouth. Her parents looked at her, with worried expressions.

"What's wrong honey?"

"Th-thats Ron's house."


Ron was on the train with Harry, they were alone in their compartment. Which was good because Lavender wasnt there, but also not that good because hermione wasnt there. She walked past them once and Ron waved, but she kept going.

When they got off the train, Ron saw his mum and dad talking to Hermione, which was odd for him. She was obviously welcome at the Burrow, why was she refusing to come?

He tried to make his way over there quick, but just as he reached his mum, Hermione was off. His mum threw her arms around him, but his eyes were stuck to the back of a bushy-haired girl.

"Happy Christmas Ron, Harry." Molly Weasley said, moving on to hug Harry and then Ginny. They traveled to the Burrow by portkey.

Lupin and Tonks came by for Christmas dinner, along with Fred, George and the others.

"Where's Granger?" Fred asked, scanning the table when they were seated.

"She's celebrating the holidays with her parents this year." Molly said.


"No," Ginny said. "She's only not staying with us because her and Ron haven't talked in weeks."

"What?" Mrs. Weasley asked. "Is that true Ron?"

Ron felt his cheeks heat up, why did Ginny always have to embarass him like this? He nodded his head.

"Yep, it's all because of Ron's new girlfriend." Ginnny was only making it worse. Fred and George whistled and laughed together.

"You have a girlfriend Ron?" Mr. Weasley asked.

"Who is it?"

"It's no one." Ron mumbled at the same time Ginny said, "It's Lavender Brown, the annoying girl who squeels all the time."

"Her?" George asked. Ron nodded. "Well no wonder you look so miserable."

The rest of Christmas dinner wasn't that bad. Ron supposed talk about his relationships was better than sad talk over Sirius, it looked like Tonks and Lupin were still pretty hung up on his death.

They all vacated to the living room now, for desserts and more talk, when they heard a loud crash from outside. It almost sounded like it came from the other room. Everyone stood up at once, and ran outside with their wands drawn.

There was a terrible burning smell, which Ron than saw was coming from a ring of fire surrounding their home. There were several death eaters standing nearby, some of them disapparated, the others started to run.

Ron was surprised when Harry went running after them, but even more surprised to see Ginny following. "Ginny!" Molly called out after her. Lupin and Tonks went too, Ron was about to follow when his mum held her hand across his chest, stopping him.

The fire was roaring in front of them and they couldnt see past it to where the others were. More death eaters apparated all around them, throwing spells everywhere. One of them, hit the Burrow itself.

Ron turned around and saw the flames crawling up his house, the sight of it made him want to cry. He wanted to get every last one of those death eaters, even though it was hard to make out who each one was, but Ron thought he saw Bellatrix and Dolohov.

Harry, Ginny, and Lupin and Tonks ran back now, all the death eaters had gone. They were all staring back at the Burrow.

There were tears in Molly Weasley's eyes, she was holding Ginny close to her, watching their home burn up in flames.

Ron saw his dad draw his wand and started to spray water at the house, so he did the same.

"Aguamenti." He said quietly, pointing his wand up. His eyes darted around everyone quickly, making sure everyone was out of the burning house.

He saw mostly everyone, but his eyes were still searching for someone, but then he realized, she wasnt there.





New chapter! I know the burning of the Burrow isn't in the books, but it is in the movies and I thought it would be fun to play with that and see what ideas I have. I hope you like it! Also, I apologize for any spelling or grammar errors I'm writing this half asleep!

Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment and share! Thanks for reading.

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