Ch.5 Gun Shot and Memories

Start from the beginning

I smiled as Carol tried to get closer. He looked back at me and I smiled encouraging him to get closer.

But then again this moment had to be ruin. There was a loud shot that caused me to jump. I looked at the deer to see it on the floor. I looked to down and saw Carl on the ground.

"No!" I ran to him Rick and Shane doing the same. I looked up to see a man in camo looking at us shooked.

"I-I'm so sorry I didn't see him." I got up looking down at my hands that were covered in blood.

"I know a guy he can help." He said lookind down at Carl. "Where?" Rick said. "Where!?" He yelled. He picked Carl up and the guy in camo told us to follow him.

I looked at Shane and he looked at me we both ran after them.

Rick was running ahead. While the guy in camo was falling behind.

"How far? How far!?" "That way. Talk to Hershel he'll help your boy." I ran faster.


I helped the big guy up as he fell. "I'm so sorry. I swear I didn't see him." He said looking at me. I could tell he was telling the truth. I nodded.


Rick was in the house the giving blood since Carl needed blood. I would help I would give my blood but I don't know what kind of blood type I am.

I paced back and forth gripping my rifle. He needs to be okay. I can't lose anyone else.

The girl with short brown hair went to get Lori. I think her name is Maggie.

I got up from where I was sitting which was on the steps. I saw Shane and Otis caring bags. They loaded the truck. "Where you going?" I asked as I followed Shane. "There's some things that Hershel needs Otis here is going to take me there. They said there's a high school that has the supplies that could help Hershel to save Carl." He said looking at me and then Rick who was now behind me.

"I'll go with." I said but Shane shook his head. "No kid you'll stay. Otis said it's too dangerous. Now you'll stay here keep Rick company. He needs you right now. I'll be back. Okay?" I looked at him getting ready to argue but he gave that look. I sighed and looked down.

"Okay. Here. You'll need it." I took off my rifle handing it him with two extra clips that I had. He looked at taking it smiling slightly. "I'll bring it back." "You better. Cause I want it back." I tried joking. He chuckled and nodded. "I will." He got in the truck and they drove away.

I should be going with them. I want to help to. But Shane's right. I need to stay with Rick. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Rick.


"Y/N!" I looked up to see Alex. She ran to me bringing me into a hug. "I'm glad you're okay. How's Carl is he okay." She asked checking if I was okay. Then looking at me. "He needs some things to help him so Shane and Otis went out to get the things Hershel needs to help keep Carl alive." She nodded. Pulling me into a hug.

"He'll be fine you'll see." Alex whispered. I wrapped my arms around her neck and nodded.


I saw the blue truck pull up. I quickly stood up. I've been waiting here on the steps or next to Carl for the past few hours.

"Shane!" He got out limping. I quickly ran to him taking the bags from him wrapping his arm around my shoulder I carried the bags and helped him up the stairs into the house. I then noticed that Otis wasn't with him. I carefully sat him down on the sofa and Alex took the things to Hershel.

"I'll go make sure Otis is okay?" I quickly went to walk outside but stopped when a much bigger hand took a hold of my wrist. I looked down at Shane and saw him shaking his head.

I sat down and looked up to see Patricia Otis's wife helping Hershel with Carl. She's going to be heartbroken.


I sighed as I looked around the farm. It was a nice a farm. It's been two days since Otis's death.

"Y/N. Glenn and the farmers daughter are going out to the clinic to see if there's any medicine left. Do you want to go with them?" I nodded as Rick lead me to a horse.

I quickly stopped when I saw a horse. The memory of Lauren trying to show how to ride a horse came flooding in.


"Okay almost there." I had my hands up in front of me making sure I didn't crash into a anything. Lauren had her hand covering my eyes.

"Okay open." She moved her hands and I opened my eyes. I smiled at the site of the beautiful white horse. I looked at Lauren and she smiled.

"She's beautiful." I said as I admired the horse petting it. "Come on I'm going to show you how to ride one." I quickly turned around. She smiled as she set the setting thing on the horse. "Wait what. Lauren. I don't- Come Y/NN it'll be fun I promise."

I looked at her hesitantly but then nodded. I sighed and nodded. She showed me how to get which was really hard in my opinion.

Once I was on I smiled. "Finally! Okay now get me down." She laughed and shook her head. "We are just starting." She said getting on her black horse. She came to me grabbing the rope thingy and showing me how to ride the horse.

After some time I finally got the hang of it. It's was actually really fun.

"See told you it'd be fun." Lauren said putting the horses back in their stall thingys. I smiled. She came and wrapped her arms around my waist as mine went around her neck.

"Yes it was. Thank you." I said smiling. She smiled and nodded.  "Anything for you. And plus you looked hella cute concentrating. And you looked beautiful on that horse. So it's a win win situation." She smiled down at me. I blushed and brought her down for a kiss. She smiled and kissed me back with so much love and passion.

"I love you." I whispered. She looked down at me. With her eyes filled with so much love. "I love you too."

End of Flashback

"Y/N you alright?" I quickly whipped my tears away and nodded.

God how much I missed Lauren. I hope and pray she's okay. But that's not working for Carol. Who's a mother. What makes you it'll work for me.



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