Chapter Five- Alpha Squad

Start from the beginning

"Wait, what?" Jaina asked. 

"Why?" Wonder Girl groaned.

"No offense, honey, but you're Wonder Girl, not stealther girl. And Jay, you're glowing like a flashlight!" Bee told them.

Denying that her face was red, Green Lantern quickly told her ring to tone it down so that the Bialyans wouldn't investigate.

"Come on! I- We can do this!" Wonder Girl grabbed Green Lantern's arm, pulling her closer. 

"No one's knocking your enthusiasum, Cass. If I was in a firefight, there's no one I'd rather have beside me than two powerhouses like you two, but-"

"You know I've been training in being one with my surroundings since I was five." Green Lantern sent Miss Martian as stern look. M'gann sent a quick glance towards Cassie, and Jaina finally understood. There were only three warehouses, they'd only need three people to go in at least, Jaina was "new", relatively speaking, and M'gann didn't want Cassie to feel singled out.

"Fine," Jaina slumped against the sand dune. She'd do it, but just this once, and only for the newbie.

Cassie was in disbelief, but she brought herself to agree.

"No comms. Use the mindlink. If we get separated, meet up at the rendezvous point by the bioship. Clear?" Miss Martian asked while Jaina and Cassie continued to sulk.

"Clear." Cassie grumbled out loud. Jaina elbowed her sharply in the gut, making Cassie gasp.

"I mean, clear!" She corrected herself over the psychic link. But the others had already left.

Wonder Girl peered over their dune fort, watching with the binoculars Batgirl had left behind.

"All's quiet so far," Jaina whispered to Cassie, watching the tiny yellowish speck that was Karen as she darted through a ventilation grate in the middle of the three warehouses. Batgirl grappled onto the roof of the farthest one, pulling back a grate and climbing in through the pipes.

"I could have done that!" Cassie muttered.

"Sh!" Jaina yanked Cassie down back behind the sand dune again as a military truck pulled up to the compound. It had scarcely come to a stop when three hulking figures, and one slimmer one, hopped out of the back.

Jaina held up her ring, pointing it at the four new guys. "Identify. Quietly." She whispered to the ring. After a moment, the ring brought up four of the League's villain files.

"Mammoth, Shimmer, Icicle Junior, and Devastation. Should be easy enough for all of us to take out." Jaina cracked her knuckles and stretched her arms. "Come on, let's tell-" 

Cassie jerked her back down, a finger to her lips, and pointed back at the truck. There was one more new arrival, and Jaina didn't need her ring to figure out who this one was.


"I thought he was in a coma!" She hissed out loud, laying flat on her stomach in the sand next to Wonder Girl. They couldn't use the psychic link to warn the others, Psimon was bound to pick up on their mental conversation and warn the others.

"Don't look at me, I didn't wake him up!" Cassie hissed. 

"Well, the Bialyans will hear us if we use our comms," Jaina peered up over the dune, glaring at the radio and anti-aircraft the Bialyans were stocked with. "I knew I should have upgraded them!" She growled to herself.

"And now the psychic link's a no-go." Cassie finished.

"Gotta warn the others the hard way." Jaina mused.

She looked down at her ring. "I stick out like a sore thumb, I won't be able to get over there without someone noticing. It's gotta be you."

"Me?" Cassie squeaked.

Jaina grinned at Cassie, holding out her non-ringed fist. Cassie suppressed a squeal as the two fist-bumped.

Silently, in her uniform's stealth-mode, Cassie soared high above Psimon and the other evil metahumans. Jaina watched Cassie, making sure no one saw her as she snuck into the warehouse with Miss Martian through the vent, just like Batgirl. A moment later, Green Lantern saw Wonder Girl inside the warehouse talking to someone unseen, pointing out Psimon. A second later, the familiar touch of the psychic link was down. Megan phased through the warehouse to find Batgirl, and Cassie returned to the roof to get Bee from her warehouse.

That's when it all went wrong. 

Devastation's brawn as matched with more brains than Jaina had suspected. Spotting a shadow flitting across the compound, she quickly looked up and spotted Cassie flying between the warehouses. Immediately she leaped into the air and grabbed Cassie's ankle, pulling the blonde girl down with her as she shouted for at the soldiers. Jaina knew that couldn't be good. 

She jumped into the air and shot over to the compound, high above everyone. Shouting in a foreign language, the Bialyan soldiers dashed between the warehouses as the doors closed up. Even the vents were sealed.

"Devastation, what's going on. Who is that?" Icicle Junior asked as Jaina flew within hearing range.

"She's less than forthcoming on that point, Junior. But I'm betting she's not alone." Devastaion drawled.

"Gee, what gave it away?" the Light compatriots finally looked up and saw Earth's fourth Green Lantern floating casually in the air above their heads. Devastation's wrestling hold on Cassie loosened for just a moment, and the distraction gave Wonder Girl the opportunity she needed to launch Devastation over her head at Junior and the soldiers that accompanied him.

"Stop her!" Junior shrieked to the soldiers. Jaina moved to shield Cassie, but Wonder Girl didn't need any protection. She spun around mid-flight, deflecting the bullets with the metal cuffs on her wrists. Junior tried to shoot the girls with blasts of ice, but Jaina used a giant hand to fling the snow back towards the desert sand.

"Come on!" She grabbed Cassie's hand, the two shot off into the night sky.

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