Chapter 1

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   That pitch black fox was chasing me. It had just killed everyone I new and was now after me. I tried and tried to escape, but the ally way would never end and it seemed as if I'd been running in circles. Every once and a while as I ran I would see the blood and horror of the place I just escaped from. The place looked like a battle had just happened there and one had. Before I could do anything to stop it the foxes shadow was below me and the body of the fox crashed down on me.

   I woke in the barn. I looked around at the others to see that they where ok. It was just a dream. Even if it was those dreams only made me want to get revenge on that monster even more. He killed my mother soon after I had found her again. I felt like it just wasn't fair. I didn't even get to speak to her before she died. But it had been at least a year sense then and he hasn't appeared ever sense.

   "Ember you ok." Thorn had woken and was looking right at me. "Yea just a dream." I sighed. "You still want revenge don't you?" He asked. "Yes I do." I growled. "You know you'll get that chance at some point. You shouldn't let that control you though." He said with a smile. I smiled back at him. He always knew how to make things better. "Wanna go hunt? Cuz I'm hungry." He asked as he got up. "Yea sure."
   We where heading back from hunting when we came across the chicken den. The den smelled of blood and feathers were scattered across the grass in front of it. "What could have happened?" Thorn muttered. "Ill go see what happened." I volunteered. I dropped the vole I had caught and ran inside.

   When I got inside I couldn't find a chicken that was still alive. They where all died. I mean most of the time if an animal wanted to eat them they would only kill one and then run off with it, but whatever killed them killed them all and seemed to have only taken maybe three.

   When I sniffed the air again along with the sent of blood I caught his sent.

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