"Hey sweetie. Thanks for helping me out." She says brightly.

"Sure. What do you need help with?"

"I need your advice on some business deal."

"Yeah no problem." At this point I think he finally remembers that I'm here. "Oh yeah S, this is my girlfriend Melony and Mel this is Suzie."

"We've met before." Suzie says with a smirk and he raises his eyebrows, looking suspiciously at me. was she just flirting with me?

"Really now?" he asks. Looking directly at me. What is his problem?

"Uh yeah. So do you want me to go home?"

"Why would I want that?" he asks coolly.

"Because you're going to be busy. So I can go hang out with Cate or something and I'll be out of your way."

"Oh no it won't take long."

"No I really don't mind. I don't want to rush you." Just then my phone vibrates on the couch and Zayn turns his attention to it. I grab it and its Trevor asking if he should come pick me up while they're busy.

"We'll you'll meet me in your office when you're done here." Suzie says before heading upstairs.

"If you want to go then I won't keep you here." He's standing right in front of me now.

"I don't want to leave but then you'll be busy. I'll just see you some other time." I shrug.

"I'll come by later on today. My clothes are still at your place either way." I nod and he sighs. "How are you getting there?"

"I think Trevor is going to come pick me up." he shakes his head at me.

"I don't like that at all." He says seriously. "You should get a car already."

"You know I'm saving for a car and my dream house and things like that. I'll buy it when I really need it." I shrug at him. I quickly text Trevor the address and he says he'll be here soon.

"You're still young." He replies. "If we're going to buy one together, then you don't need to save so much." I blink up at him and he looks just as shocked for about a second before regaining his composure.

"You're thinking about buying a house together?" I'm shocked.

"If we ever get there. I mean I'm not dating you just to pass time." He steps closer and his hands move to my hips. "Don't you ever think about it?"

"I do I guess...I just didn't think we're this serious already." He sighs.

"We've talked about this." He states but he steps away before I can answer and he takes my hand. "Your friend will probably be here soon. I'll walk you down."

We head to the elevator and he's very quiet. I feel like I should say something but I don't know what exactly. He looks deep in thought, and he look neither happy, nor mad.

"I can feel the hole in my head from all your staring." I smile at his indifference

"Sorry you're just really quiet. It's kind of creepy." He looks down at me. "Are you planning to abduct me, lock me in a house we're going to buy together? I could never be sure." He looks down at me and he smirks.

"Yes." He says. "I'll marry you, keep you there, then make you carry my kids. All 10 of them" I gasp and he smiles broader. He pushes me against the elevator wall and he brings his body against mine. "you'll be mine, completely. Mind, body and soul." He whispers to me and his lips are inches are from mine.

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