Part 14

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Rose POV

After finding the perfect dresses, we went with Myungsoo to find the perfect suit for him. Then we got on a bus and went down to the Stratosphere to get something to eat.

"I've always wanted to eat here!" Angela said as she looked out at the view from our table at Top of the World.

"I can't believe we are getting married in a couple of days" I started to get nervous jitters.

"You're not backing out, are you? It was your idea!"

"No! I'm not backing out" I chuckled. "It's just happening all so fast that I'm surprised that we are actually doing it." I looked at Myungsoo and Angela seriously "What do you think will happen if the fans find out?"

Myungsoo chuckled "Now your nervous about his fans?"

"I've been worried about it from the start" I confessed.

"You're not jealous of them, are you?" Angela asked.

"No" I smiled. "It's just......I know how much his fans mean to him. He loves them so much. I'm just worried that they might abandon him if they find out about me."

"Wow!" Myungsoo sighed. "Not jealous of them or afraid that they might hurt you, but worried that they might abandon him?"

"What?" I looked at him confused.

"I'm just surprised" Myungsoo said. "Made me want to have a girlfriend like the two of you."

Angela and I both blushed. "Stop teasing!" she told him as she hit is arm.

We ate our food and then hopped on a bus back to Mandalay Bay.

"Thanks for your help today" I smiled at Myungsoo.

"No problem" he smiled back and then turned and walked to his room.

Woohyun POV

We started looking for suits at the shops attached to the hotel, the we started making our way down the strip until we all found a suit that we were satisfied with.

"I hope Myungsoo doesn't have trouble finding a suit" Sungjong commented.

"Are you kidding?" I laughed. "That guy would look perfect in anything!" We all laughed.

"Still...." Sungjong seemed worried. "It took a while for all of us to find something."

"Don't worry" Hoya said. "I'm sure he'll find something."

"Tell you what" Sunggyu said. "If he comes back tonight and doesn't have a suit, we can all drag him out tomorrow to find something. Okay?"

"That sound like fun!" Sungyeol seemed to be scheming up something.

"Let's get something to eat! I'm starving!" Dongwoo complained.

We went to Guy Fieri's new restaurant and enjoyed some of his unique burgers.

That night when Myungsoo came back, we all went to see if he found a suit.

"Any luck shopping for a suit?" Sungyeol asked.

"Yeah" he replied automatically.

"Really?" Sungyeol was both surprised and disappointed. Guess whatever he was scheming was going to be really funny.

"Did you get to take any good pictures?" I asked as I reached for his camera.

He quickly snatched it back up and said "Nothing much."

That was weird. Why would he grab his camera like that? Is he hiding something?

"You're acting awfully suspicious, Myungsoo" Sunggyu cocked his head a bit.

"What do you mean?"

"Where did you go today?" Sunggyu slowly crept towards Myungsoo.

As though he could sense what was going to happen, Myungsoo quickly ran from the room. We all ran after him, but he managed to duck inside Rose's and Angela's room before we could catch him.

"Hey! What are you hiding?" I screamed as I banged on the door.

Angela POV

Rose and I were chit chatting when someone started banging on our door.

"Angela! Let me in!" Myungsooo shouted.

I opened the door, he came inside and quickly shut the door behind him.

"What is going on?" Rose asked.

"The guys are after me" he gasped for breath. "They want my camera."

"Hey! What are you hiding?" I heard Woohyun scream as he banged on our door.

"Give me that" I said as I took the camera from him. I put it in my suitcase and then went to the door and opened it. "Will you guys please calm down! Do you want to get us kicked out?"

"Myungsoo is hiding something from us" Sungyeol whined.

They all came inside and surrounded Myungsoo. "Where is the camera?" Sunggyu asked.

"Don't have it" he held up his empty hands.

"Myungsoo, where is the camera?" Sunggyu asked sternly this time.

Myungsoo shook his head and pressed his lip shut.

"Will you guys stop?" I screamed at them. "If you really want to know what he is hiding, I'll tell you." The guys all turned to face me. "Myungsoo came with Rose and I to find our dresses."

"What?" they all screamed.

"That's not fair!" Woohyun looked upset.

"Why did he get to go with you and not us?" Sunggyu asked.

"I asked him to" I replied. "I wanted a guy's opinion, so I asked him to come."

"What about us?" Sungyeol asked. "Why not us?"

"Because he can keep a secret" I retorted.

"Okay" Woohyun suddenly spoke. "I understand why he would hide the fact he went with you guys, but why can't we look at the pictures he took?"

Myungsoo looked at them and said "The girls said you couldn't see their wedding dresses yet."

"You've got pictures?" Woohyun's eyes lit up. "Really? Let me see!"

"No!" Rose looked right at him and he froze. She walked over to him and looked him in the eye. "I told you that you have to wait until the wedding. That means you also have to wait to see the pictures he took."

"Okay" he meekly replied and pouted. Then he turned to Myungsoo and said "Can I at least ask how they looked?"

Myungsoo blushed and said "Beautiful."

The guys all teased him for blushing, but he didn't seem to mind.

Sunggyu walked over to me and whispered in my ear "If he's acting like that, I can't wait to see you in your dress." He gave me a peck on the cheek and then turned to the guys and said "Okay! Let's all get back to our rooms!"

The guys all sighed and Myungsoo turned to me and said "Can you hold onto my camera for me?"

"Don't worry" I smiled "it's in safe hands."

"Thanks" he said and gave me a hug before he left.

Once they had all left I collapsed onto our bed and sighed "This is going to be one long week."

My Rose (Infinite Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin