Part 3

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Himchan POV

We were relaxing in coffee shop near our hotel, when I saw a familiar face walk by. I quickly ran out to make sure I wasn't just seeing things.

"Woohyun!" I called out to the retreating figure.

He stopped, turned around and smiled "Himchan? What are you doing here?"

"We have a concert at the end of the week" I chuckled. "What about you? I thought you guys were back in Korea."

"Yeah" he rubbed the back of his head. "We were given some time off."

"Then why aren't you back home relaxing? Why come all the way here?"

He blushed a bit and said "I came to see someone."

I smiled a bit "Is this 'someone' a girl?" He turned beet red and clammed up. "Really?" I was shocked. "Who is she?"

Whoohyun looked around nervously. "Is there somewhere we can go that is a bit more private?"

"Sure! Our hotel is right over there" I pointed across the street. "You got a place to stay yet?"

"No" he replied honestly.

"Then you can stay in my room. I'm sure my boss won't mind." I grabbed one of his bags and lead the way.

Woohyun POV

Once we were in his room and could relax a bit, he asked "So you gonna dish?"


"Who's the girl you're here to see?"

I blushed a bit "Her name is Rose." Himchan nodded as he listened. "I met her during our world tour last November."

"Does she know that you are coming to see her?"

"No" I hung my head a bit. "I didn't even know I was coming till Sunggyu gave me a plane ticket yesterday."

"Hmm" Himchan started to think about the situation. "So, you came to see her, but she has no clue." He thought about it a bit more. "Are you planning on surprising her?"

"I hadn't thought about that. I was actually thinking about getting her number from a mutual friend so that I could call her...."

"Mutual friend?" Himchan began to think again. "Would that be Sunggyu's girlfriend?" he asked as though he knew the answer.

I dropped my head again and he patted my back. "I don't know what to do!" I sighed. "I like her, but I don't even know if she likes me back. It's been months! For all I know, she has completely forgotten about me!" I collapsed back into the couch.

"Wow" Himchan looked at me in amazement. "You've really fallen hard for this girl."

"Yeah" I smiled like a fool as her face came to mind.

"I've got a great idea!" Himchan was excited.


"Why don't we invite her to our concert? If she is a Kpop fan, she'd love it!"

I chuckled a little "She's already going to the concert."

He was surprised "She is?"

"Yeah" I smiled. "She's a reporter."

"You're in love with a reporter?" his eyes widened in shock. "Are you crazy? Aren't you afraid that she'll write about your relationship if you date her?"

I shook my head "Not at all."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because she would have done it already."

"Huh?" he was confused.

"She spent time with all of us when we came for the world tour" I explained. "If she had wanted a big scoop, she could have written about that a long time ago, but she didn't."

"Damn! I want to meet her! Let's give her a VIP backstage pass" he got excited. "I'll even give her an interview!"

I chuckled "Should we?"

He nodded "Yes!"

"Let's do that then" I smiled.

 Rose POV

The week passed faster than I expected and it was finally time for B.A.P's concert. I met June and Chris outside the Best Buy Theater. "You guys got everything you need?"

"Yes!" they both replied.

"Okay!" I psyched myself up. "Let's get a few pictures and interviews from some fans before heading inside."

"Okay" they replied and we split up to interview some of the fans who were already lined up and waiting.

After finishing the fan interviews, we gathered together and proceeded to the entrance.

"Name" the security guard asked.

"We are from Fox 5 News. My name is Rose Bush and these are my colleagues; June and Chris."

The security guard checked the clipboard and then handed me our press passes "Here you go."

"Thank you" I said as I began to hand them out. "Uh, excuse me" I addressed the security guard. "I think you made a mistake here" I said as I showed him the VIP backstage pass with my name on it.

He looked at the clipboard one more time and said "No mistake. That's your pass."

"Is something wrong?" another security guard came over.

"I think he gave me the wrong pass" I told the new security guard.

He looked at the clipboard "Your name is Rose Bush?"

"Yes Sir" I replied respectfully.

"There is no mistake. You've been issued the correct pass, Miss" the guard stated. "It looks like the group would like meet you after the show."

"That makes no sense!" Chris spoke up. "If that is the case, then we should all have a VIP pass!"

"Chris!" I whispered angrily at him. Then I turned my attention to the guards "I'm sorry about that."

"It's okay" he replied. "Were there any other issues, Miss?"

"No" I replied "Thank you."

"Not a problem" he smiled. "Enjoy the show."

We entered the venue and proceeded down the escalator.

"This makes no sense!" Chris started to complain again. "Why would they only give you a VIP pass when we are here as a group?"

"I don't know, Chris" I replied.

"I don't think you should go alone" he spoke with real concern. "They're all guys! Why would they ask a woman to come to their dressing room alone?"

"Chris!" I shouted to get his attention. "You need to calm down!"

"But Rose...."

"No!" I interrupted him. "We are here to work" I spoke with authority. "You need to act more professional. If you don't think you can do that, then you can leave right now."

I could tell he was regretting his actions. "I'm sorry" he hung his head a bit.

"I understand your concern, but don't worry" I smiled at him "I'll be fine."


"Tell you what" I suddenly thought of an idea. "Why don't you wait for me outside? I'll go backstage and do a quick interview and then we can go and grab a bite to eat. What do you say?"

I could tell he was still reluctant, but he agreed "Okay."

"Good! Now let's go get set up before they open the doors!"

"Right!" they both replied and we all rushed to our places to set up.

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