Part 5

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Rose POV

I went to the office early the next day so that I could start putting things together for the article. June and Chris arrived not long after, so we gathered our stuff and went to the meeting room.

"I think it would be better if we put this over here" June suggested.

"That would throw off this part" Chris commented.

I looked over what they were saying and said "If we move this over here, I think that would balance everything."

The both looked at the suggestion and smiled. "Your amazing Rose!" June shouted as she gave me a hug.

"Calm down" I giggled. "We still have to go through the pictures."

Chris loaded his up first and we began to take notes of the ones we liked. As we were going through them, a receptionist came into the meeting room.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but..."

I sighed "Is it another delivery?"

"Well..." she hesitated.

I sighed again as I reluctantly got up. "You guys continue reviewing the pictures, I'll catch up when I get back. This shouldn't take long."

"Okay" they both replied.

"I really need to find out who is sending these gifts and have them stop" I grumbled as the receptionist and I walked down to the front desk.

"I think it's romantic" she blushed. "I wish someone liked me enough to send me gifts."

I smiled at her honesty. "I suppose it isn't all that bad" I blushed as well.

When we arrived in the lobby, I walked over to the person the receptionist pointed out to me. "Hello" I said. "You were looking for me?"

The man turned around and I froze in shock.

Woohyun POV

When I heard her voice, my heart sang. I turned around and smiled. "It's good to see you again, Rose."

"What are you doing here?" she nervously looked around.

I smiled and said "I came to see you" as I handed her a single rose.

"Are you crazy? What if someone recognizes you?"

"I don't mind" I replied with a smile.

She walked over to the reception desk and spoke with the attendant before returning with something. "Put this on and follow me" she said as she gave me a lanyard with a visitor's pass attached to it.

I quickly put it around my neck and followed after her. "So I finally get to see where you work" I chuckled in excitement.

"Is this really a time to be laughing? This is a news station filled with reporters!" she angrily whispered.

"So?" I asked innocently.

She sighed in frustration "If someone else recognizes you..."

"I'll just tell them the truth" I interrupted her.

"And what is that?"

"That I came to see my girlfriend" I said as I gave her a quick peck on the cheek while no one was looking.

Rose POV

Girlfriend? I was shocked by his casual answer that I didn't even notice what he was doing.

"Ya!" I nervously looked around to make sure no one saw him kiss me. "What are you thinking?"

"I missed you" his said honestly as he looked me in the eye.

My heart started racing as his eyes captivated me. I had never seen him look so serious before.

The elevator opened on our floor and I quickly got out. I walked over to the meeting room and addressed June and Chris. "Could you guys excuse us?"

They looked up at me in shock when they saw I had brought someone with me "Sure, Rose" Chris said with worry. "You okay?"

"I'm fine" I smiled to show him that he didn't need to worry.

June and Chris both left the room and I let out a sigh. "Who are they?" Woohyun asked.

"They are my co-workers" I answered. "We are busy putting together a report on B.A.P's concert last night."

Woohyun smiled "They did great! I loved the Starbaby fan service! Maybe I should do a bigger fan service on our next world tour."

"Yeah the Starbaby fan service was great!....Wait a minute.... How did you know about that?"

He chuckled and said "I was there."

My eyes widened in shock "You were!"

He nodded "Yup."

I got nervous "So... what else did you see?"


Everything? What's that mean? "Huh?"

"So, is that guy really just a co-worker?"

Holy shit! I closed my eyes and sighed "You were there?"

Woohyun POV

"Yes" I replied.

"Himchan and the guys helped to arrange the backstage pass for you so that I could surprise you, but...."

"He's not my boyfriend" she answered the question that had been plaguing me and I sighed in relief.

"I've really missed you" I confessed. "I've wanted to fly back to your side, but..."

"You shouldn't have come" she interrupted me.

"What do you mean?" I was confused.

"Woohyun" she looked me in the eyes. "You should go back to Seoul."

What is she saying? My chest started to tighten. "Why?"

"I don't know why you came back to see me..."

"I love you!" I shouted. "I love you! That's why I came back!" She looked up at me in shock. "You may have thought I wasn't serious about liking you back then, but I was. There hasn't been a day that has gone by that I haven't thought about you. I should have asked you to come with us, but I was too scared that you would reject me."


"I love you, Rose" I confessed honestly. "That is why I kept sending you flowers."

Her eyes widened "Those were from you?"

"I couldn't think of any other way to show my affection for you, so I asked Angela where you worked..."I couldn't help but confess everything. "and had flowers sent to you."


I walked over to her and hugged her. "I love you, Rose. Since the moment I saw you holding my stage outfit in the dressing room, I've always had my eye on you."

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