I thought about it for a minute. “Your help.”

I then told him about my plan for Mom’s birthday, and he seemed genuinely excited to help.

“Katie-Anne, you are the sweetest girl. Why are you with me?”

“Because Josh Turner is already married.”

“HA, HA. VERY funny.” he said sarcastically.

“Well, if you ask a dumb question, I’m going to give you a dumb answer. I’m with you because I love you.”

Will sighed happily and pulled me closer.

“I love you too. Now get some sleep. Night, Katie-bug.”

“Night, Will.”

I closed my eyes and drifted into a peaceful sleep, having nothing but the best of dreams.

~~~~*One week later*~~~~


I heard his voice whispering in my ear.


This time, his voice was louder.

“Hmmmmmm?” I hummed a reply.

“Wake up, darlin’, you have a big day ahead of you.”

I rolled over and opened my eyes.

“Good morning, Beautiful.” Will smiled at me.

“Morning.” I said quietly.

“Happy 18th birthday!”

“Oh! It is my birthday, isn’t it?” I chuckled.

He laughed and nodded.

My parents had come to accept the fact that Will and I slept in the same bed. My mom was more understanding than my dad, but it helped that their room was right next to Will’s.

Will scooped me up bridal style, and I squealed.

“You need to get dressed and ready. It is 9:30 now. You need to be at the breakfast table by 10:15, okay?”

“Yep.” I said, popping the ‘p.’

“Good.” He smiled.

He set me down and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

I scurried to my room to find the perfect dress in my closet. I found it instantly. It was a strapless, white dress with red cherries on it. I paired it with a thick, red belt and my cropped, 3/4 length sleeve jean jacket. For my shoes, I decided on a pair of wedges that had green straps that wrapped around my ankles.

I quickly washed my hair, letting it dry to its natural wave, and put makeup on that would make my green eyes pop. Looking in the mirror, I decided that I looked hot enough for Will, but respectable for the party.

Walking into the kitchen, I was greeted immediately by two ginormous boys squeezing me.

“Happy birthday, Kid!” A.J. said.

“Happy 18th, Sis!” said Tommy.

“Thanks...guys! GUYS....you’re crushing me!” I choked.

“Sorry!” they said in unison, releasing me.

“Hey, Mom! Happy birthday!” I skipped over to her, hugging her tightly.

“Happy birthday, Baby girl.” she replied, kissing my head.

My Southern GentlemanWhere stories live. Discover now