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No matter how much money we have me and White won't have enough to survive in the city, or the country. Me finding a job will obviously take me more than a week or two since i'm still in college, good thing my brains took me ahead or else i'd just be ending high school. I'll finish school online i guess, and i'll have to ask Yano a favor.

"I made-it,"I was out of breath when i reached the creek. "Yan-chan!" I called out his name as i walked to the black pine tree. "Yan-chan!"

"I told you not to call me that,"I looked up to the voice.I saw Yano was perched on a tree branch.

"Hey come down here! We need to talk-"

"Look if it's about when you fell i-i'm really sorry i didn't think you'd actually fall,"As he spoke i saw the remorse in his eyes. I can use this.

"I am upset. But...if you do something for me i'll completely forget about it."

"What is it! I'll do whatever it takes,"He jumped down and smiled.

"I'm planning a surprise party for my sister, and i have zero money. So i need you to-"

"You need money?That's no problem i have like 50 bucks here,"He took out his wallet.

"I need 20 times that amount, and a real diamond necklace. Specifically a pave diamond large link."

"Woah what are you going to do with all that? That's at least 25k!"

"You don't worry about that. Just hand it to me tomorrow at dawn.See ya then,"i came close and kissed his cheek.

"Mhm,"He nodded and i saw his cheeks grow pink.After leaving the park i looked around and started to walk to my college. Since it was only around 2pm it was still open. But then i had an unbearable headache. "Damn did it have to happen right now?"I always had migraines and all were painful, i thought this was no different. Until i saw fragments of...events.

"Why are you doing this!?" I heard a woman in pain. She spoke to someone, the person was going through her purse looking for something.

"Tsk you barely have 20 bucks. You're useless to me,"As he spoke i sensed something familiar but yet it was so different. Too cruel too dark. They hid their face with a gas mask, But their bright green eyes were as clear as day. Then the image began to disappear in droplets of blood and agonizing screams. 

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