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 "Haha it's actually really annoying,"I awkwardly moved away from him. And he seemed to be surprised by my action, "It's not gonna be that easy y'know."

"Oh really?" He smiled and walked next to me. "You haven't even given me a chance."

"You don't need a chance. If this is what you really need show me," I stopped and looked up into his eyes. My red eyes burned with passion. I wasn't just going to hand myself over, I'm not going to be the lily pad. I won't just drift with the current below me, if I am above I will remain here.

"Then i guess I'll have to work harder," He laughed for the first time. The melody rang in my ears. Making my face burn hotter.

"Look," I pointed to a small lake filled with ducks and bright colored fish. Yuki began to walk over to it, "Be careful." I didn't get too close. Swimming wasn't my best talent.

"Don't worry I bet it's not-" As he continued to walk into the cool water he suddenly was sucked in.

"Yuki?" I fumbled inside. "Yuki!" I ran to where he was at only to realize it was only waist high. "That he-," I was ambushed from behind! "Ahh Yuki!!!!" Cold water was dripping from my face.

" I told you I'd get you back," He held me tight by the waist by one hand as he poured water onto me with the other. He laughed and laughed as I squirmed to move away. "I' m sorry! It's sooo cold," I covered my face and gave up. His laugh was still echoing in the hollow trees when the water stopped coming.

"Alright alright, just because you apologized so nicely," He patted my head again.

"Thank you," I sighed and began to walk back onto the shore. But i got distracted by a small glowing fish. It was unlike the others. The light it had was bright, but dark. The green ink it showed glowed like slime. And was shiny like the metal gate by my rich neighbor.

"Hey check this out!" Yuki held a fish by a fin.

"Yuki let it go you're hurting it!"I grabbed a small pebble from the water and threw it at him.

"Ouch!"He let the fish go and off it swam, "I was going to see if a big fish would eat it!"

"That's mean Yuyu," He was an angel. But not very kind at times. What a person.

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