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"Faster! Faster!"Yuki was yelling at me as I ran around the park track.

"I'm trying I'm trying!"The sweat ran down my face as I ran the 25th lap.

"You're too slow,"He walked over to me handing me a small blue cloth.

"I didn't even get to stretch!"Yuki had woken me up and told me to get dressed in comfortable clothes.When we got to the park he just told me to start running!

"You should be ready to run and be alert at all times,"He sat down on a nearby bench.Seeing him sit there without his wings made me forget who he really was.

"Is something wrong?"He looked at me and my strong red eyes hesitated.

"I uh... you look so peaceful in away,"I sat down never taking my eyes off of him.

"Really?"He looked down at the gray jeans Joe let him borrow.I looked at the black shirt he had on, all the dark colors made his blue eyes just pop out.

"Haha really,"I smiled at him.I don't think anyone has told him that before.

"Are you thirsty?"He stood up so suddenly it made me flinch.

"Ah actually yes,"Before I even finished he had headed over to the stand.

"You into guys like that?"A hand wrapped around my shoulder.

"Huh?"I turned to the playful voice coming from behind me.

"Heya!"I found a boy with bright red hair and deep green eyes there.

"Who are you?"I stood up to face him.His eyes looked at something behind me and then he just lunged at me, "Pick me won't you?"He had me in his arms before I even blinked.

"Wh-"And before I even uttered a word,something hot and soft was upon my lips.I realized he was kissing me!

"Leave her alone!"Yuki rushed up and pushed him.Knocking him only slightly off balance.Though the kiss was small the heat from his lips already flowed into my whole body.

"Ah wai-"I reached my hand out to grab him.But I was too late he had already disappeared before I realized.

"Bastard,"Yuki sucked his teeth and fell hard onto the bench.

"Yuki? Who was that?"

"Oh Incognita are you alright?He didn't hurt you did he?"As he spoke his hands traced my face for any injuries.

"I-I'm alright!"My face slightly turned pink, and shyness overcame me.

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