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Though she was there for only five minutes,I swore it was hours.

"Are you okay! Manda! Manda!!"I ran to her side after she plopped to the ground.The tears in my eyes stayed there, they never fell.But they made my sad eyes shiny with fear and sadness.

"In-incognita...You you're special.Very v-very special,"She touched my hand.And spoke my name.But the person before me was not the same as the last time we talked.

"What are you saying Manda?"As Incognita and Manda talked someone had taken Incognita's phone.

I took Manda by the hand,I never loosened my grip.We touched, we connected.As if us two beings combined just for a fragment of a second.I saw what she saw, the beast boy before her dripping with blood speaking dark words i couldn't hear.Then I saw the angel boy, his wings open protecting her, saying something, only the words never reached her.She woke up before he finished.

"Don't worry White i'll never let anything hurt you again,"I squeezed her sweaty hand, she did the same.As we walked back I kept hearing these-these noises, of whispers and murmurs.I rubbed my ears,I took deep breaths.Nothing relaxed me,I was starting to worry.I started to walk faster,"We should get home before dark, hurry."We jumped over fallen trees, never looking back, always checked our sides for danger.But nothing, slowly the noises faded.And I could make out the sound of running water clashing with the rocks near the edge."C'mon!"Before White agreed my legs took off, our hands still linked we rushed toward the sound.We ran so fast we weren't able to stop until our feet mingled with the water."Ha ha we made it!"White smiled looking at the sky, but i couldn't join her. I don't think I ever will.

Feathers and Knives// ✔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu