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As we walked along the creek haven,I looked over at my best friend; remembering how she is.I memorized not only the creases on her face and the way her brown hair was always in pigtails, but the character she is.Childish.Smart.Maybe a little naive....or a lot.I looked at the way wrinkles formed when she smiled.Because maybe I'd never see her smile again.

"What's wrong?"She asked but I knew something was actually wrong with her.

"Nothing just thinking what'll tell my mom about my phone,"I smiled at her jokingly.

"Oh my gosh,I'll buy you one!"

"What no way,I can't let you do that!"

That's how it went, back and forth between two 16 yr olds like if they were 5.We made small talk as we walked back home, after we left the park where all that happened I felt safe. Warm, and fuzzy.It was strange,I could feel another presence but not like the one near the tree.This one seemed gentle, and I trusted this....person or thing.When we reached my house I knew the fears Manda was hiding.

"Hey I'll uh I'll take you home,"I began to walk to the corner.

"Are you sure?"

"Course I'm sure you only live a block away,"I managed a giggle.And White only managed a small lonesome grin.After dropping her off,I prayed.I prayed to god, something I haven't done ever since my granny's death.But right now I needed god on my side.So I prayed and I thought,I thought long and hard.About what I would do tomorrow, about what I'd tell mother, and about protecting my family and White from harm.When I remembered the thing i saw when I touched White's hand I felt someone's hand on my shoulder as if reassuring me I was safe..I prayed it was god's reassurance that was there.

"Thank you,"I said closing my eyes and smiled.

"Your welcome,"a soft voice said behind me.I swung myself around to see who's tender voice it was, but no one was there.Suddenly it started pouring, and the voices began.They were whispers, the whispers of October. They sang and they rang in my head.I began to run, trying to escape but they only got louder.

They sang,do more with your own life.

You're going to be torn.The whispers began to overlap, broken fate.Torn in life.

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