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"It only would have caused trouble for you."

"It's causing me so much more trouble now!"I stood up enraged.

"There's nothing we could have done to prevent it...."Mother lost eye contact.

"I just feel so helpless! How can I even love someone when I can't love myself! I don't even understand what this book actually does! How can you just sit there like that!"My fist slammed against the hard wood table.Mother barely flinched. She was used to my outbursts.The ones only she saw.

"How you say? But listen to your words.Senseless and uncontrolled.How can i speak with someone so unreasonable? Do you expect me to apologize?"She finally looked up.

"No! Don't apologize,"I stood there thinking.My legs weak,I heard Joe coming downstairs. "I just wish...I just don't know anymore.The trust I had inside you all. It's gone. Now I don't think it'll ever come back. Not this time,"I turned and left the kitchen as Joe walked in.

"She doesn't get it Joe. All the trust she said she lost...she'll be lost with them soon,"Edith,Incognita's mom,stood up and wiped her teary eyes as she resumed to cook.

"Oh,Silver?"White was sleepily sitting up in my bed when I walked in.

"You're awake?" Softening my face I went over to her.

"Yeah the nap was nice,my mom said I could stay over till sunday,"She let loose her brown hair but soon tied them again.

"Woah a full two days!"I peered outside the window.Looking at the distant park sign 'Home of seasons' the engraved letters wearing down.

"Oh hey! Isn't your birthday on tuesday?"

"....yeah,"The next day school resumes.But the day before the world is in my hands. "By the way where's your phone I called and called but no one answered.Then it just began to go to voicemail,"She was going to continue but then stopped herself.I turned back to look at her. "Sorry,"She finally remembered.

"Don't worry about it,"The rest of the night we went on and on about the boys in our school and the break homework. Until she decided her brain had to sleep.

"Goodnight,"She said drifting off to sleep next to me."Night,"I said standing up to turn down the light but then.Thud.A dull sound came to reach my ears."Huh?"I turned to see my phone.I wanted to go to the window and see who had thrown it. But i knew that wasn't a smart move."Now what?"

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