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 Before I even realized what was happening,I heard a high pitched scream, and my eyes burst open.

"Nani! Nani! It was a nightmare,"I woke Nani up and her watery eyes fluttered open.

"I saw you,"She said slowly getting up.


"By that tree with Manda, and and she almost died,"Nani began to cry.I hugged her tightly,I was both shocked and scared.How could she have had that exact dream?I never even hinted toward it.

"Incognita open the door!"Then I remembered what I said yesterday.

"Listen closely Nani, I'm going out to get something very important, when I leave open the door okay?"Nani slowly nodded whipping her tears.I stood up and grabbed my red sweater and black converse.Then I carefully stepped out the window standing on top of the first floor roof, then I went over to the tall near by tree and climbed down.Which was a struggle, but I managed and I ran off to the creek but before I got there I crossed paths with White.

"Hey how you feeling?"I patted her back. Softly.

"Silver I-i I can't sleep.When I do I hear this creepy voice singing go to sleep and and i won't take it very long,"She rubbed the bags under her eyes.

"Can you hold on for just two more days.If you want you can sleep at my house actually,"She nodded and smiled hollowly.Then I continued to run toward to that horrid place.I ran and ran, past the cold rushing water, past the big boulders.Until I reached it, the place my life changed.

"Ahh,"I took a deep breath.Before I did what might end my life.

"Listen up! I know you're here and I know you understand!"I paused.Then I saw the pins on the tree sway, and only that tree swayed. They were here and they heard."You better leave my family alone! And my friends! Do what you want to me but may god help you if my sister wakes up crying again! Because I will come back and destroy anything I can and need to in order to make you feel some pain! So heed my warning because I'm not afraid of something I can't even see. And if I need to die in order to haunt you and make your life miserable then I'll do whatever-it-takes.Remember that,"I stood there looking at that tree long and hard.Knowing they not only heard but felt the words I so profoundly meant.And I know wherever they were standing they were staring, too.

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