Part 28

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Lauren P.O.V

I smiled as I watched Angelica and Sean help Nikki get up the steps and into my house, with the others and me trailing behind them. Since Nikki's dad is still away on business, she's gonna be staying with us, which is good since she's still crippled.

 Just as I was about to go into the house, I felt someone grab my arm and I turned around and saw Chelsea standing there with a smile on her face.

"Chels?" I asked confused as to why she was grabbing my arm, I mean didn't she want to go inside?

"Sit." She told me, her voice full of seriousness and I felt a lump form in my throat and my palms go sweaty, but I did as she told me and sat down on the steps.

"Is everything okay?" I asked her, concerned to as why she wanted to talk right now.

"Yeah, but I just wanted to know how your holding up with everything, so how are you?" Chelsea asked me and I breathed a sigh of relief, it wasn't anything bad thank god.

"Well besides the fact that two of my friends were shot, one of which was attacked, I guess I'm okay, just more on edge more than anything. I don't want anything bad to happen to anyone, and I can't imagine anything happening to you either." I told her and she nodded and wrapped an arm around me, and looking straight into my eyes.

"Well nothing is gonna happen to me okay? And for Nikki and Ashley, they will get better in time, now I don't want to see one of my favorite people moping around because then I become sad and I don't like being sad." She told me and I chuckled and nodded my head, I especially don't want to make the person I love sad.

"Okay, and don't worry you won't lose me either, I am not dying until I get to meet Robert Downey Jr." I told her and she laughed and nodded, I pulled her into a hug and placed a kiss on her forehead and held her tight.

"Ya know, I still can't believed that all of this happened to us..... I mean, were the nice people and then life throws us this, it's ironic isn't it? What happened to nice people getting rewards because I know for sure that this is not some type of reward." Chelsea told me and I nodded my head in agreement.

"Well I go by everything happens for a reason, and hopefully in the long run the reasons will be told." I told Chelsea and she nodded, she then leaned her head on my shoulder and I heard her let out a long sigh.

"So what happens now then?" She asked me, and honestly for once in my life, I knew the answer.

"We find answers, and starting with finding out who hurt Nikki." I told her and she nodded her head and we both got up, hugging each other before we made our way inside the house.

Let's find out the truth......

Dani POV-

I groaned as Anna and I sat on the couch, bored out of our minds. Nikki was FINNALY home, but we weren't allowed to see her. I saw Kath walking down the stairs. I smiled. Kath would let us see her, Kath would let us bend the rules. I hopped over to her and said,

"KATH! Can Anna and I please see Nikks?"

Katherine, who's smile was replaced by a angry look, barked,

"Gosh Dani, no. Can you calm down for once in your life and not be annoying? Some of us have to be responsible and care for her. The doctor said no one under 14 could see her for a day, and the last time I checked, you were still an annoying little 13 year old."

I bit my lip, tears threatening to escape. How could Kath say that to me? What was wrong with her? Anna rubbed my shoulders and whispered,

"It's okay Dani. She's just in a bad mood, she didn't mean any of it. You know that situations like this bring out the worst in people."

I nodded, convincing myself to believe her. I laid my head in Anna's lap and closed my eyes. This was too much for me. Nikki wasn't okay, so the team wasn't okay. That was just how things worked.

Angelica POV-

"Ang, come on. It's your birthday. Which means that we have to have a party. Who gives a crap that I'm hurt? I'll still be the life of the party, don't worry. It'll be so fun!"

I shook my head as Nikki tried to convince me to celebrate my birthday tomorrow. I couldn't bring myself to celebrate when my best friend was hurt.  But it was what she wanted, and I knew that we all needed a break at this point. I gave in and teased,

"Fine, we'll have a party. But I'll make sure to keep you and your ginger 20ft away from each other. I don't like the looks he's been giving you."

Nikki giggled and laid back down on the bed. Her wheelchair was in one corner of the room, and Trisha and Ashley were sleeping on a matress that was sprawled across the floor.

I carefully sat next to Nikki, careful not to touch her knee or leg in general. I whispered,

"How are you holding up Nikks?"

She sighed and said,

"I'm fine Ang. Don't worry about me."

I shook my head, knowing she was lying. However, I let it drop. Nikki wasn't one to have self pity. We stayed there for a while, not talking. I heard Ashley and Trisha wake up from their floor matress. Nikki laughed and said,

"Go to sleep you rats."

They laughed. I lit up and said,

"Guess who's having a party here tommorow?"

Ash and Trisha's faces lit up in jovial smiles. Good. We need some smiling faces around here.

Don't kill me for not updating.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2017 ⏰

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