Part 4

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Credit to aDASHofacapella FOR THE AWESOME TITLE!! Go give her a follow!!

Anna P.O.V

Oh jeez truth or dare, I really hate this game. Like this game is sooo annoying like it's either you same something you don't want to share or you have to do something you don't want to do.

"Okay I'll go first, Anna truth or dare?" Lyrical asked me and of course I had to go first ugh.

"Uh truth?" I said more like a question and Lyrical nodded and took a moment to think before opening her mouth to speak,

"Do you like someone in the room right now?" She asked me and I felt my cheeks go red, shiz. I looked around the room and scanned all the faces but I kept coming back to Dani, she's been my crush since the day I met her.

"Uh, yeah.'' I said shyly and all the girls started Oooing and kept blabbering about who it could be until Nikki hushed them, Nikki is the type of person who will stop once she knows the person is getting uncomfortable, thank god.

We kept playing for a few more rounds and we all had to do some crazy thing but thankfully not many "crushes" questions came up, but soon enough thats the topic that was on everyones mind right now.

"Soo guys Angelica got asked out today." Nikki said while smirking at Angelica who was blushing a deep shade of red and all us girls squealed of excitement.

"OH MY GOD WHO WAS IT, HE BETTER BE NICE OR IMA COME AFTER HIM AND SEND CLOWNS TOO!" Lyrical shouted which made all of us laugh, Lyrical really knew how to make everyone laugh. She's just like Dani, it's like their twins but their not.

"Uh, it was uhm, Alex." Angelica said while rubbing the back of her neck and I heard the Cimorelli girls gasp but then squeal.

"HE FINALLY DID IT!'' Dani shouted and Angelica shyly nodded. We kept talking about boys for about an hour, teasing Nikki with Sean and Lyrical with Christian. Lyrical's mom finally came into the room and told us to keep it down and go to sleep and the nice, mature people we are, we got our sleeping bags out and we all said goodnight to each other and fell asleep.

Lyrical P.O.V

My eyelids opened as I took in the room around me, my bedroom. I slowly got up and looked around the room and saw everyone was still sleeping but Nikki wasn't in her bag. I quietly got up and checked the time as it read 8:00 and I walked out of the room and went downstairs and I saw Nikki sitting on the couch looking at a picture, of my brother Gary.

I walked over and sat down next to her and stared at the picture, it still feels like yesterday when I was told the news. He was only 15, none of us caught on that he had a heart problem until it was too late.

Nikki put her arm around around me and pulled me closer to her, Nikki was good friends with my brother and when the news spread and she heard it was like as she stepped up to be my big sister. I really am glad she did it because there was endless nights I couldn't sleep and I'd text Nikki and she'd sneak out and come over and calm me down.

"I miss him Nikki." I told her and she nodded and put the picture down and wrapped her other arm around me completing the hug.

"I Know Lyrical, but remember he's watching over you okay?" She told me and I nodded, I know Gary is up there somewhere watching over us.

"Now let's go get the others some breakfast okay?" Nikki told me and I nodded and we both walked into the kitchen to make the others some breakfast.

Trisha POV:

I got out of bed and saw that I was the last one up. Christina looked at me and smiled. I grinned back and started to brush my teeth. I thought to myself. Wow, it's funny that Chrissy and I get along so well. She's the oldest(she beats Kath by 3 minutes), and I'm the youngest.

I grimaced as I thought about how exactly we got close. The memories flooded back like a tsunami.

I walked into my house, kicking off my shoes after a long day at school. I had boatloads of homework, not to mention a quiz tomorrow. As I entered the living room, I saw my older sister, Ann, studying with Christina, who was her best friend.

I sat down and helped myself to some of their snacks. Suddenly, Mom came in with smudged mascara and glistening cheeks. She sobbed and could only choke out a few sentences. But those sentences ruined my life.

"Ann, your- la-lab reports ca-came. Y-you ha-have canc-cancer."

From then on, Christina had been my light at the end of the tunnel. She was the one that kept my sane when Ann was in the hospital. She was the one that rubbed circles on my back as I cried my heart out when my sister died. She was the one who wiped my tears away.

I began to feel anger rippling through my veins. My mom was supposed to be the one that comforted me, not Christina. It's wasn't Christina's job to come over when I couldn't stop crying. It wasn't Christina's job to hear me talk about my dead sister. All my mom does now is sit in bed and mope around, as if Ann was all she was living for.

Calm down, Trisha. You have plently of time to be mad at your mom. You're with your friends now. Be happy.

Dani POV

I ate my breakfast without even tasting it.  I was so caught up on Anna's words during truth or dare. She liked someone in the room. I would do anything for it to be me. I would do anything to tangle my crooked fingers in her dyed silvery-blonde hair.

I snapped out of my reviere when Lisa began hitting me. She said,

"Wow, Danzo, you're really quiet today. Are you coming home with us or what?"

I followed her out, cursing at my lack of attnetion. I guess Anna and I could be together later in my dreams tonight.

Okay that ending was rlly weird but YOLO....remember to vote and comment bc u can and YOUR VOTE MAKES A DIFFERENCE(lol election pun in there). Byeeee, ILY


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